Friday, September 28, 2007

Who is the Domestic Terrorist?

Senator Edward Kennedy, Sir, YOU are the Domestic Terrorist.

Radical leftist leader, Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) in pushing the needless and dangerous "hate crimes" amendment, which he leeched to the Defense Appropriations Bill, contends that anyone who commits a crime against a homosexual, lesbian, transgendered or transvestite, is a domestic terrorist. I vehemently disagree. Anyone who would commit a crime against these or ANY other Americans or another human being is a CRIMINAL, period, exclamation point. What elevates the status of a sexually deviant person above any innocent child or helpless widow who is also a victim of a crime? Please justify the need for this deleterious and outlandish law.

No special privileges should be awarded any person based on a person’s abhorrent behavior or so-called politically correct “alternative” lifestyle. The Judeo-Christian Bible and its principles and precepts are crystal clear. They refer to homosexuality, adultery, fornication as immorality. Let's not cave into the desires for justification of this or any group wanting to sanction unhealthy, unnatural and immoral behavior. Additionally, you open up Pandora’s Box when you try to determine the thoughts and intents of the heart - that is God's job, mankind is incapable of such a task. Unfortunately Senator Kennedy and his leftist elitist friends think otherwise.

Senator Kennedy, who is dedicated to advancing the homosexual agenda as much or more than anyone on the left, has worked relentlessly to bring the "hate crimes" idea and law to reality. Many of his ideas line up with socialism and the welfare state. This man and his ideas are dangerous. I consider him to be a domestic terrorist, because what foreign forces cannot do to destroy American principles and values this polutician has worked to destroy from within.


The Washington Times yesterday quoted Senator Kennedy as saying, '"The president of the United States has never vetoed, in the history of the United States, a defense authorization bill. . . "

The Times went on to report, ". . . Religious groups are pressing the White House to veto the legislation because, they say, it could criminalize preaching anti-homosexual sermons from the pulpit and endow homosexuals with extra rights. "All violent crimes are hate crimes and every victim is equally important," said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, a pro-marriage group that promotes a Judeo-Christian world view. "We applaud the president's intention to veto this unconstitutional betrayal of victims' rights," he said. "Congress should represent all Americans, not give special protections for some.""


Contact the White House and urge President George Bush to veto the entire bill as long as it has this insidious provision granting special rights to homosexuals and such and setting in motion the eventual prosecution and persecution and censorship of Christians and true believers who speak the truth about homosexuality and other perversions of the natural order.

The White House Comment Line is 202-456-1111. Please make a call, it only takes a minute. Urge the President to veto the Defense Authorization Bill with the needless and dangerous "hate crimes" amendment.

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