
Issue 2 merely evens the playing field for government workers and reigns in the out-of-control benefit increases of many government workers. We must face economic realities. The rest of the world is doing so. We cannot continue business as usual in the government sector. We must break the monopoly and the symbiotic relationship between union leadership and the Democratic Party that results in misuse of taxpayer dollars. As Ohio State Senator Keith Faber said several times during this week’s Issue 2 Debate Tuesday night that Issue 3 gives the taxpayer a seat at the table with the Union Bosses, who supposedly represent their members, but often channel dues into political payoffs to the politicians, and with the Politicians.
I concur with the endorsement given yesterday by the Citizens for Community Values Action (CCV Action) of Issue 3, the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment.
… This amendment will make it unconstitutional for individual mandates to be imposed by the Ohio government.
Issue 3 will protect Ohio families from policies such as Massachusetts’ health care plan and will send a clear message to the courts and Washington, D.C., that Ohioans stand for freedom with their health care choices.
“ObamaCare will be devastating to our families, our communities, our businesses and our values,” said Phil Burress, President of CCV Action. “CCV Action is proud to stand with its partners around the state against the government's intrusion into our health care.”
.Issue 3 will protect Ohio families from policies such as Massachusetts’ health care plan and will send a clear message to the courts and Washington, D.C., that Ohioans stand for freedom with their health care choices.
“ObamaCare will be devastating to our families, our communities, our businesses and our values,” said Phil Burress, President of CCV Action. “CCV Action is proud to stand with its partners around the state against the government's intrusion into our health care.”
Issue 3 repudiates a major component the unwise and destructive law (Obamacare) that was forced through Congress in the waning, lame duck days of the 111th Congress. ObamaCare is a ruse, a way of controlling Americans’ healthcare, not any kind of reformation of the healthcare system as it had been touted and sold.
Just remember, YES, YES, and YES on Issues 1, 2, and 3!
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