Scott Oeslager (R) Chair, Dave Burke (R) Vice Chair, Edna Brown (D) Ranking Minority Member, Troy Balderson (R), Shannon Jones (R), Kris Jordan (R), Peggy Lehner (R), Shirley A. Smith (D), and Charleta B. Taveres (D)
Here is a copy of the email that I sent to all of the above regarding this important bill:Dear Senator
Please vote YES on the Heartbeat Bill, HR 125, when it comes up tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon in the Senate Health, Human Services and Aging Committee hearing.
Abortion remains unethical, immoral, and unjust even though the SCOTUS has erroneously declared it to be 'legal.' This bill recognizes the need to protect a human life at the point a human heartbeat is detected. (However, I believe that life begins at conception, and ultimately we need a Personhood Amendment here in Ohio to protect all life.) But I see the heartbeat bill as an important step in the direction of upholding all life as promised in the Declaration of Independence. Life is a basic right for every human being born and unborn.
Please support this bill and do all you can to get your fellow Senators to support it.
We must stop the senseless murder on these innocents. Not only are the lives of the babies ruined, but mothers are often irrevocably damaged physically, emotionally, and spiritually no matter how often and in what ways the supporters of 'choice' or 'women's rights' try to deny it.
In addition, instead of punishing the baby for in cases of rape, let's ratchet up the punishment for the rapist up to and including death, to make it a real determent. Why punish the baby? What did he or she do to deserve the death penalty?
Also please vote yes on HR 171, the ban on cloning.
We must once again begin to respect all life in Ohio.
Thank You,
How strongly do the Republicans value Life? This bill has already passed the Ohio House. The Democratic Party, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and a vast array of other Pro-Death groups and individuals will do all they can to stop this bill. We must resist and encourage and support passage of this bill, HR 171 and the Personhood Amendment. The American Holocaust, the American Atrocity of abortion must end!