Sunday, December 04, 2011

Polly’s House

House on a Rock (Matthew 7: 24-27)

Polly attended the Sunday School class that I teach, where she demonstrated a knowledge and understanding of God’s word through her questions and answers.  As I became friends with her, she told me how God had protected her home.  This is her story as she told it to me. 

Polly and her husband had just purchased a ranch style house along Lake Erie in Port Clinton, Ohio.  It was located fifty feet from the shore line of the lake on Bertchen off of Lake Shore Drive.  This was their third home and as always she walked the boundary line and prayed for protection of their new property from The Almighty in Jesus name.
She prayed for protection of the property from damage, theft, damage to the home, and damage from storms.  She did not pay for protection of its occupants.

There was an 18 inch retaining wall running along the side of the house along the beach with an opening for a walkway in it.
As they lived in the house which they made into a home the yard was often flooded with ducks and fish in and on the water.  However, no water ever came into their home.

Finally after fifteen years of living in their home the family went to visit Licking County.  During this time a fierce storm from the northwest collided with a fierce storm from the northeast.  This sent storm surges from the lake against the house.  The water was seen to shoot up in the air twice the height of the structure after hitting the north side of the house.  The double pane windows on the side of the house held against the storm which was also a blizzard.
Some of the neighbors’ homes were destroyed.  Boulders were moved across Lake Shore Drive gouging the asphalt pavement.  One neighbor to the east of her house had a boulder hit the house and go all the way through the house and out the back side.  Two houses behind hers were so filled with water they had to be destroyed.

Polly’s home had four rows of siding ripped off the front of the house but no water went inside.  The house stood.  Polly believes it was a miracle, answered prayer.

This is an example of prayer and the protection of God.  If you are a Christian, born again, you can also pray for God’s protection.      

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