Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Defending the Community From Moral Decay

Ohio Governor Strickland, A Strict Liberal

The passage this week of the Community Defense Act in both houses of Congress in Ohio was a critical step toward restoring a bit of the moral foundation upon which our nation and our state were founded. The passing of this important law by overwhelming margins handcuffed the extreme liberal Governor Ted Strickland from vetoing the measure. He refused even to sign the bill thereby allowing it to become law without his signature. Governor Ted Strickland’s true liberal colors glow by his statements and his action or inaction in not signing the bill. More here.

Lobbyists for the strip club industry, as well as many in Ohio's mainstream media, placed great pressure on our state senators to reject this important bill. As a result of the courage and leadership shown by Senators (President) Bill Harris and Gary Cates and Representatives (Speaker) Jon Husted and Louis Blessing Ohio now has a bill that will greatly reduce the numerous crimes, as well as the exploitation and degradation of women, associated with sexually oriented businesses.

Why Gov. Strickland would you opposed this law?

The Columbus Dispatch reported that the governor said he thinks the state has “more important” things to worry about. The newspaper quoted Governor Strickland as saying, "I have said that I think we should be talking about education and job creation and health care, and I think this issue has consumed too much time and attention on the part of political leaders who ought to be concerned about the issues that really touch the lives of Ohioans," Strickland told reporters after a speech Downtown yesterday.”

Yes, more important issues, Governor, like denying parental choice in abolishing school vouchers programs in the state, more important like abolishing very successful and proven abstinence sex education from the state budget, more important like extending special protection to homosexuals and transgender “couples” through a signing an executive order [ more like executive odor if you ask me – gregjaye ] prohibiting such “discrimination” in state employment. According to a Middletown Journal newspaper article, Strickland's order defines gender identity as "the gender a person associates with him or herself, regardless of the gender others might attribute to that person."

Yes, more important Governor than say, your apparent is siding with the ACLU of Ohio and Planned Parenthood, “who achieved victory in a lawsuit challenging House Bill 126. The law regulates Mifepristone, or RU-486, requiring that it be distributed exactly as approved by the FDA with no off label use, potentially mandating that doctors prescribe up to three times the needed doses at greater cost to provider and patient. In September 2006, a federal court in Cincinnati permanently blocked the law, because it is unconstitutionally vague, subjecting doctors to felony charges and loss of their medical license without clear guidelines about what conduct is prohibited.

”Governor Strickland has opted not to pursue the appeal to the Sixth Circuit. However, the Attorney General (Dann) and prosecutors have chosen to continue pursuing the appeal, thus the case is still scheduled to go through the appeal process.” [source]

What can be said about the extreme liberal Governor Ted Strickland except that he is a pompous progressive political hack whose unprincipled priorities are all wrong and even immoral. His agenda and leftist political philosophy are antithetical to those who do want to do the right thing, such as the majority of people in Ohio regarding the Community Defense Act, for example. As bad as I agree that Governor Taft proved to be, this Governor shows all the potential to be much worse. God save us. God save Governor Strickland.


  1. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Regarding you comments about how abstinence-only classes "work." Here are the facts: The abstinence-only sex education programs on which the federal government has spent about $176 million a year have been shown by valid followup research studies to have zero effect. That's what the facts show: zero effect. Sorry.

    The abstinence-only classes in public schools, funded by provisions of the 1996 federal welfare reform law, focus on the importance of waiting until marriage. They do not teach about contraception or safe sex. But a national study that tracked 2,000 young people over several years has found no evidence that such classes actually increased rates of sexual abstinence. Among teens who had sex by the end of the period of the study, the average age of their first intercourse was the same for participants as it was for nonparticipants: 14.9 years. The study was carried out by the nonpartisan firm Mathematica policy Research, Inc.

  2. Whether or not abstinence only courses "work" is irrelevant. It is not the role of the government to teach this, but it is the role of the parents. Teaching children how to "safely" fornicate themselves is something only a reprobate mind could believe in.
