Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Supreme Court, Bassinet or Basket Case?

D and E to substitute for partial-birth abortion as abortionist's "weapon of choice"

I was listening to a radio interview of Mark Crutcher, President of the pro-life group Life Dynamics Incorporated (LDI), on my mp3 player on my drive to work this morning. The subject was the recent US Supreme Court decision to support the federal ban on the partial-birth abortion procedure (aka D and X, or Dilation and Extraction: a surgical abortion procedure used to terminate a pregnancy after 21 weeks of gestation). While some in the pro-life movement hail it as a great victory Mark Crutcher has some serious reservations about its overall impact.

Here is a quote from Mr. Crutcher’s
blog on this topic, “Beyond its positive psychological impact (on pro-life advocates and activists) the ban on partial-birth abortion is meaningless as it relates to the actual killing of unborn children. That’s because this ban controls the how, not the whether. Remember, even during the time that this procedure was allowed, most late-term abortions were accomplished using other methods – the most common being D&E. Unfortunately, D and E (D and E is an abortion procedure also called Dilation and Evacuation - see illustration above) and all of these other procedures are still legal which means that any baby who would have been killed by partial-birth abortion before will now be killed by one of these other methods.’

Interestingly there was even some discussion during the radio interview that I listened to that ironically the D and X or partial birth procedure may even less cruel then the D and E abortion procedure. Because under the D and E the baby is sliced and diced before it is born. The bottom line is that Mr. Crutcher concludes that no babies will be saved as a result of this ruling they will only suffer extermination by another procedure. The abortionist will not allow a big payday to slip by without choosing another weapon of choice . . .

Mr. Crutcher further commented about how this decision to uphold the partial birth abortion ban will influence the U.S. Supreme Court in other abortion related decisions that come its way in the future. His pointed assessment was, “Trying to predict what the United States Supreme Court will or will not do is a fool’s game. The reality is, when the Court abandoned the Constitution as the basis for its rulings – which it did years ago – by definition it became totally unpredictable.” What a great summary of the current state of affairs of our not-so-illustrious US Supreme Court. With the likes of Ruth Ginsburg on the bench, a former ACLU general counsel, that one rotten apple has got to affect the other apples in the basket. You could almost say the U.S. Supreme Court is a basket case.

Mr. Crutcher concludes his blog article by giving pro-life advocates this admonition, “So my advice is (a) pause for a moment to celebrate the victory (upholding the ban on partial birth abortions), (b) don’t read more into it than is actually there, and (c) get back to work. (because) Babies are still dying."
You can either stream or download the radio show interview mentioned above by clicking on the "May 5, 2007 Partial Abortion Victory w/Mark Crutcher" broadcast here.

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