Friday, December 14, 2007

Waterboarding for Dummies

Another Michael Ramirez Cartoon, Investor's Daily 12/15/2007

Democrat and Liberal Insanity on the Rise

(Washington, D.C.) The Democrat leaders and most Democrats in Congress are relentless in their drive for power and in their support of the enemies of America.
They worry more about their Guantanamo detainee than our military trainee . . .

They mistake interrogation techniques for torture and overlook the real torture in Red China, the Sudan, Saudi Arabia against all citizens who dare to believe in Christianity.

They seek surrender instead of victory in the war on terror. They aide and abet the enemies of America. They place roadblock after roadblock in the path of the president in his prosecution of the war on terror.

They restrict nuclear-powered and coal-powered energy development with their foolish concern for the plant life and animal life above their concern for human life. Thus, they are keeping us vulnerable to the crazed dictates of Islamic dictatorial states.

They are for eliminating the death penalty even for the worst of criminals. Yet they support abortionists and the abortion industry who are for snuffing out the lives of innocent babies by the millions before they are even born. They favor creating and destroying life for the “hope” of saving a life.

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