Saturday, December 08, 2007

Avoid seeing The Golden Compass movie this weekend or ever!

Do Not Enter

The Golden Compass is a culture-destroyer. The Golden Compass is a spirit-corrupter. It is a vital example of the biblical injunction:

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

- - - The King James Bible

The movie is a watered down version of the first book in British avowed atheist Philip Pullman’s trilogy, which seeks to entice people to embrace atheism and paganism. Its underlying purpose is to urge people to reject God and all moral authority such as Christianity. The heroine of the movie is a liar who seeks to kill God. Like the Harry Potter occult-filled and occult-glorifying books and movies, Pullman hopes to lure innocent children into a belief system that is not only atheistic, but actively anti-theistic.

The bottom line: Like tainted food or toxic substances, this movie is unfit for human consumption or exposure. Everyone everywhere, but especially Christians and their families should avoid this movie as they would a deadly virus. The underlying message of the movie is antithetical to all things virtuous and Christian.

See my previous articles,
WARNING: The Golden Compass Movie Is Hazardous To Family Values and The Golden Compass (2007) Leads Nowhere, in regard to this awful movie.

See the uplifting and wholesome Enchanted movie if you want to see a good movie this weekend.

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