


America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
And he wants to be your President???
Even though this photo may have been doctored, it does demonstrate the inexperience of this relative political novice. Not only does he lack experience, but being a socialist he also stands on the wrong side of nearly every issue. He would be a very wrong and the very worst choice for America's highest office.
“The BBC (British
Broadcasting Corporation) is releasing a new TV series where they portray Jesus’ betrayers, Judas and Pontius Pilate, as sympathetic.
“But don’t worry it is not going to be nearly as sympathetic as the BBC's portrayal of Islamic terrorists.”
- - - NewsBusted, Episode 152
NewsBusted, Episode 151“In a recent poll published by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, 49% of Palestinians oppose suicidal bombings in Israel.
“The other 51% are suicide bombers!”- - -
Come November for whom do we vote? None of the three major candidate is acceptable. We need to see who will emerge as possible independents. If no acceptable independent come to light, then conservatives and Christians must focus their support and resources to help get many conservatives in the Congress to neutralize the bad affect that any of the three should they be elected.
Fellow AGC . . . blogger Matt is exploring some of the current third party candidates in his series posted on Thursdays (see his 3/13/08 article on Chuck Baldwin and 3/20/08 article on Libertarian. Michael Jingozian).
Climate of Fear
Let me introduce this second of a two-part series on the theory of global warming with a YouTube video of a Glenn Beck interview with two of the conferees of the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change, which issued the Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change at the end of its two day conference. See Part 1 of this 2-part series for more information and to read the actual Declaration.
The Beck interview sets the stage for a recent radio interview with another attendee of the conference, Myron Ebell, whose organization, the Competitive Enterprise Institute was one of the 25 sponsoring organization of the Conference. Below, I tried to capture the essence of a conversation that Mr. Ebell had with the host of the weekly Washington Watch Radio program, Tony Perkins.
Myron Ebell told Tony Perkins on the Family Research Center’s Washington Watch Radio Show recently that among conference participants were many scientists, economists, policy makers who do not agree that there is a consensus on global warming. In fact, there are two distinct camps on the question of global warming or climate control, the skeptics and their opponents the alarmists.
The global warming alarmists, with the aid of the main stream media, have declared that there is scientific consensus on global warming. This is similar to what academia and the scientific community say about another flawed theory, evolution. Ebell indicated that the alarmists were invited to the conference, but all declined. As Glenn Beck’s video shows, few reporters or journalists covered this important conference.
Ebell noted that there were a lot of notable experts on weather, climate change such as the founder of the Weather Channel, who now tries to expose the hoax that global warming is. A lot of the attendees were retired experts from their positions, who now can speak frankly on the subject of global warming without the fear of being attacked in their universities or their research organizations, or losing their jobs and/or government funding for global warming related research.
Ebell suggests that there is fear in the scientific community in challenging the global warming theory. He told Tony Perkins, “Everyone who has been involved in the debate at the scientific end knows that if you disagree with the alarmist consensus, and most scientists do to some degree, or another, you really ought to just be quiet about it.” The reason scientists are not free to speak the truth is that there is a huge federal gravy train of funding involved. There are billions of dollars every year going into global warming research. So the free expression of scientific thought, discussion and method is stifled. Tony Perkins pointed out that this was not good science. Ebell agreed and stated that science has become very bureaucratized. “The priorities are now set, not by scientists, but by the federal government,” summarized Ebell.
Ebell indicated that the way Congress and the Administration work, the way bureaucracy works is what gets funded is what is has captured the public’s attention. He gave the example of the researcher who prepares a grant indicating that he is researching a connection to cancer; his chances of getting it are great because the public are concerned about cancer. Global warming has been built up into a source of funding. Global warming has ceased to be a scientific issue and has become politicized.
The theory or notion that global warming or climate change is caused primarily by man is false. Myron Ebell and other global warming skeptics contend that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant. CO2 is a natural occurring trace gas that we add to the atmosphere when we burn coal, oil or natural gas. We are adding a naturally occurring trace gas, which used to be in the atmosphere, but is now stored up in the ground in hydra-carbon fuels.
Ebell agrees that CO2 is a green house gas, and when added to the atmosphere, it may add a SLIGHT warming effect. However, global warming alarmists say it will have a BIG warming effect.
Ebell indicated that plants need CO2 for photosynthesis in order to turn sunlight into food that we can eat. CO2 is necessary for maintaining life on earth. He also noted that CO2 levels in past eras have been a lot higher than they are today, but someone life on earth seemed to survive just fine.
Myron Ebell and the conferees of the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change concluded in their Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change held “that there is no convincing evidence that CO2 emissions from modern industrial activity has in the past, is now, or will in the future cause catastrophic climate change.” Ebell pointed out that we human beings affect the climate in a number of ways including adding CO2 to the environment by burning fossil fuels, changing land use from forest to farm and vice versa, build asphalt highways, etc.
Even though man has had impacted climate throughout history, Ebell declared, “But, in terms of catastrophic, I think there is NO convincing evidence that what modern industrial civilizations do in burring coal, oil or natural gas is going cause anything remotely resembling a catastrophe.” Ebell goes on to say that man by his very presence will change the environment. He concludes that if you want to impact the climate you have to eliminate man.
The fact that man is seen as the primary cause of global warming or climate change causes many to be so concerned about the global warming agenda or movement. People need to explore the issue more in depth to see what is really behind the purveyors of the global warming hoax.
Tony Perkins conjectured that following immediately in the footsteps of absolute surrendering unilaterally to the theory that man is the primary cause of global warming and climate change is population control. People are perceived as the problem and not part of the solution. Mankind is viewed in extremely negative terms.
Ebell summarizes it this way, “The first step in this debate is that we have got to limit our use of burning coal, oil and natural gas.” Next, he says we will have to do with a lot less energy resources, “We are going to have to live more like people in poor (and) developing countries.” “The next thing which you now see coming out of radical environmentalism as part of the grant-coalition supporting global warming alarmism is POPULATION CONTROL and they are very clear about it. There are way too many people on earth and we have got to radically reduce the number of people.”
The 2008 International Conference on Climate Change, despite being well represented and attended, but with little media coverage offers hope for America. There are still people seeking and standing for truth and if you look deep enough you can find it. Read the Manhattan Declaration and don’t fall for the lies, the hype and the outright deceit that man is the prime cause of global warming and climate change. Refuse to accept that there is a catastrophe looming if we don’t reject our free market capitalism and independence as a nation. Reject the notion that there are too man people on the earth who just exacerbate the problem, not offer solutions other than the politically correct and socialist global warming alarmist prescription.
Three Vision-Challenged "Leaders"
“A Catholic bishop has proposed making harming the environment an official “sin”.
“No word, however, on how the bishop feels about people lying about the environment for money, fame, power.”
- - - NewsBusted, Episode 150
Yes, deliberately wasting resources or harming the environment is wrong. It is sin, as are adultery, fornication, homosexuality, theft, murder, lying, assault, making, selling or viewing pornography, prostitution, and the list goes on and on . . .
Wherever there is a human being, there you will find a variety of sin. Man is imperfect. Only God is perfect!. For any so-called clergy to single out "harming the environment" is to overlook many more detestable sins such as abortion, which is taking the life (killing) of developing human beings. That is where true Christians and their preachers should pour their effort. The "religious" should expose rather than promote the false prophets such as Algore.
“Newsbusted has uncovered a major piece of information in the Eliot Spitzer story that has been overlooked by the Associated Press, the BBC, NBC, the LA Times and the USA Today.
“He’s a DEMOCRAT.”
- - - NewsBusted, Episode 149
Seemingly inconsequential in the mainstream media coverage of the Elioit Spitzer story is the fact that Governor Spitzer had a "D" not signifying dumb, although he may have been that as well, but denoting a card-carrying member of the Democrat Party. Conversely, if a Republican made similar news the "R" standing for Republican would be overtly and repeatedly emphasised.
Unfortunately, there is double standard, a preferred political agenda, and great bias on the part of the mainstream media, This hiding or ignoring of pertinent facts, just supports that conclusion. This disservice on the part of the MSM is as much or more of a disservice to the public and to traditional American values, as what lead to Governor Spitzer's downfall.
The Only Begotten Son of God
God Begat a Son
“Begat” is such an important word that I want to define it. One applicable definition of the word “begat” as found in Dictionary.net is, “To procreate, as a father or sire; to generate; -- commonly said of the father.”
Although the Koran states that God did not beget a son, still, in a round about way the Koran does claim that God begat a son. Consider the Koranic and Scriptural accounts.
God forbid that He should have a son (1).
Never has God begotten a son, nor is there any other god besides Him (2).
Unbelievers are those that say, God is the Messiah, the son of Mary (3).
We have exalted some prophets above others. To David we gave the Psalms (4).
The Koran clearly states that God did not beget a Son. However, the Koran claims that the ones who directed Muhammad in writing the Koran also directed King David in writing the Psalms. David writes of God having a Son. The Messiah is Hebrew for anointed one and Christ is Greek for anointed one. The Koran is saying that the Anointed One is not God.
Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’ He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: The Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: The Lord hath said unto me. Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in peaces like a potter’s vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him (5).
The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool (6).
While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, Saying, what think ye of Christ (Messiah)? Whose son is he? They say unto him, The son of David. He saith unto them, How then doth David in the spirit call him Lord, saying, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool? If David then call him Lord, how is he his son (7).
In Psalms chapter two it is stated that the kings and rulers of the earth have deliberated among themselves against the Lord who is God the Father and against His Anointed who is God the Son. These people want to break away from the moral restraints which God has on humanity. God the Father laughs at them and distresses them in His anger. He has chosen the Lord Jesus Christ to be His King in Zion. He also decreed that God the Son was His Son and this day was begotten of Him. God the Father offers God the Son the heathen for his inheritance. The Son will break the heathen with a rod of iron and dash them to pieces like a clay jar. For this reason the kings and judges of the earth should serve God the Father with fear and praise Him with trembling. They need to develop a right relationship with Jesus lest they experience His wrath. Those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ are blessed.
In Psalm 110:1 David writes that, “The Lord said to my Lord.” The Lord is God the Father and my Lord is God the Son. David is identifying God the Son as his Lord. This is the Lord Jesus Christ before He was born. We read that God the Father will make the enemies of Jesus His footstool. Christians are the body of Christ on earth so the enemies of Christ will be under the Christians as well.
In Matthew 22:41-46 Jesus asks the Pharisees whose son the Christ would be. Correctly, they said the son of David. Jesus points out that David called Him “Lord” referring to what David said in Psalm 110:1. The Christ then is the One David identified as my Lord. The question then is, “If Christ is the son of David how is it that He is his Lord?”
My question is, “How can those who directed the writing of the Koran truthfully claim that Jesus is not God the Son and at the same time claim to have written the book of Psalms, which claims that Jesus is God the Son?
To receive eternal life from God you must believe that He sent His only begotten Son to represent you before God on the cross receiving the wrath of God against Himself for your sins. Jesus lived a sinless life and took all human sin in Himself and shed His blood for each of us. God paid for the right to forgive you of your sins. You need to believe and repent of your sins. A sample prayer is, “Lord Jesus Christ forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.”
1. The Koran, Page 78 Paragraph 4:172
2. The Koran, Page 244 Paragraph 23:86
3. The Koran, Page 87 Paragraph 5:72
4. The Koran, Page 201 Paragraph 17:55
5. The Holy Bible, Psalm 2:1-12
6. The Holy Bible, Psalm 110:1
7. The Holy Bible, Matthew 22:41-46