Saturday, February 13, 2010

Debra Medina and the BrokeBeck Mountain

Despite his seeming opposition to same-sex marriage on the basis that it would create a slippery slope towards polygamy (which at one time his Mormon religion endorsed), he has finally shown his true (Rainbow Coalition) colors and admitted his desire to perform a sex act on Rick Perry!

Glenn Beck is gay???!!!

Wow, why is he being so tough on Medina, he was never this hard on Ron Paul. Could it be because she's a woman???!!!

Or maybe he’s just a Tea-O-Con. Even if he was just joking, it is a filthy, sick joke for which he should be condemned, not to mention his spineless attack on the upright Mrs. Medina. You know that this is hypocrisy if you’ve seen GB’s comments against Scott Brown’s speech in which he announced that his daughters were available. Go ahead and laugh it up, Beck. You’ll be sorry when your neocon friends turn on you. The 911 Truth issue has nothing to do with a race for governor of Texas.

If you listen to the video you will hear that the dialogue actually went like this:

GLENN: I have when I said that I was going to have you on, you can't imagine the mail pro and con that I received. There was a theme that ran against you and that is you are a 9/11 Truther. (This was a lie.)

Well, there's lots of mud that people would like to throw at Debra Medina and make stick. The truth is I'm an everyday ordinary person. I am fighting for the things that our founders fought for, those very basic principles of a constitutional republic, and I'm going to champion people that hold their government accountable, hold me accountable but that's the first time I've heard that accusation. So that's an interesting one.

Right. Here's then let me be more frank and ask you the question: Do you believe the government was any way involved with the bringing down of the World Trade Centers on 9/11?

MEDINA: I don't, I don't have all of the evidence there, Glenn. So I don't I'm not in a place, I have not been out publicly questioning that. I think some very good questions have been raised in that regard. There are some very good arguments, and I think the American people have not seen all of the evidence there. So I've not taken a position on that.

I think the people of America might think that might be a yes.


Do you have advisors, do you have advisor

I'm not going to take a position.

That's fine.

These questions have been raised and they are not answered.

Do you have advisors that advise you or people that are around you that are 9/11 Truthers?

Not to my knowledge.

Would you, if you found out that there were, would you disavow them like the president should have but I mean, he escorted them out in the middle of the night. Van Jones was a 9/11 Truther. If you found out that people around you are advising you were 9/11 Truthers, would you disavow them or allow them to continue to advise you?

Well, you know, that's a federal issue. We're very focused on issues in Texas, on Texas state government. I'm certainly not into mind control or thought policing people.

Then Beck proceeded to play a dirty trick on Medina by speaking into the microphone so that only the audience could hear him saying, “OK, you’ve answered the question.” So then Medina kept going on about it and she was made to look like a fool. Here is Mrs. Medina's response afterwards:

So Glenn Beck is going back the tax raising, NAFTA Superhighway building neocon Rick Perry and is even willing to play dirty tricks for him.

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