Sunday, February 14, 2010

No Greater Love (2009)


No Greater Love
is a great movie for Valentine’s Day. And happy Valentine’s Day to all! The movie gives an inside peek at how having a real relationship with Jesus Christ impacts a human life.

The movie opens up with an all to typical fight scene between quarrelling spouses. We learn that the wife, Heather, was an alcoholic and Jeff, the husband, is a workaholic. Apparently despondent over her marriage and alcohol abuse Heather disappears at age 27 leaving her husband and very young son.

Then a decade later Jeff and Heather “coincidentally” meet again. I put the word in quotes to emphasize that in God’s world and under a Christian worldview, there is no such thing . . . The movie bears that out.

The story is about relationship, losing a love, forgiveness, change and reconciliation. There even is a website,, which offers additional helps and resources for couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. In this regard the movie reminds me of another story of love, forgiveness, commitment and reconciliation, Fireproof, which I reviewed previously. The common thread that runs through both movies is the power of Jesus Christ to change lives.


I give the movie a ****1/2 out of *****. The movie at times is a little choppy, but its message is clear. The viewer sees the dynamics of a sold-out Christian’s life. The message is No Greater Love, the title of the movie itself. Overall, the story is very captivating and you can identify and empathize with the human struggles that the characters endure. The 10 year old boy, however, seems almost too well adjusted in this depraved and diabolical world.

Again, the movie is very engrossing and you get an opportunity to see Jesus’ power to transform lives. You see the significant contrast between secular and Christianity. The two are literally worlds apart.

I would highly recommend purchasing or renting this movie. At the local Family Video store there was, unfortunagely, only one copy. Too bad, because this is a film that can positively impact an individual, family, a city and a nation for good, unlike the typical Hollywood filth that does nothing but the opposite.

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