Monday, March 28, 2011

Fact: Islam is an evil cult

"I do not hate the Muslim people, I hate the cult of Islam."--- Usama Dakdok, President, The Straight Way Ministry,  March 28, 2011 at a local Tea Party meeting, Mansfield, Ohio

The above quote was one key principle on which the Egyptian-born minister spoke at a local Tea Party meeting tonight. The racist NAACP and later jihadist CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) both managed to feign outrage to the local school board accusing the truth-telling Christian of spewing hatred. Thus the spineless School Superintendent cancelled the previously authorized scheduled appearance of this man of God. The whole fiasco demonstrates how low this society has sunk in the mire of political correctness so effectively promulgated by the likes of un-American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the NAACP and CAIR.

In response to this freedom thwarting insult to the local Tea Party and to taxpaying citizens, a lawsuit may result from this violation of free speech and truth-telling. You can read further for a background on this incident in an article I wrote on Friday titled, "The Freedom Robbing Nature of Political Correctness."

Here is what the local Mansfield (Ohio) News Journal wrote about this event:

Controversial 'anti-Islamic' event finds new venue
MANSFIELD -- Citing safety concerns, Mansfield City Schools has withdrawn its permission for a community group to hold a controversial speaking event at a district facility tonight.
Representatives from Mansfield Branch of NAACP and some other organizations called on the school to pull the plug on the event during a press conference this morning that immediately followed the school district's announcement that safety concerns compelled them to cancel.
Mansfield North Central Ohio Tea Party Association, meanwhile, has found another venue for tonight's presentation by Usama Dakdok.

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