Thursday, March 10, 2011

More Signatures Still Needed for the Healthcare Freedom Amendment

We are attempting to create some publicity... a bit of a spring thaw in the excitement pertaining to how close we are on getting the Healthcare Freedom Amendment on the ballot.  Grassroots shoe leather and pocket change have carried this effort over the 300,000+ level and we're closing in on the last 100-150k needed by July.
We're reaching the home stretch.  As part of the final "hoorah!"  we're:
  1. stirring the social media sites by asking everyone to replace their current Facebook / Twitter / 912Project profile picture to the one below.  Please participate and recruit all like-minded friends and family.
    2.  We are launching a publicity website on the "Ides of March" (3/15)  that will help raise money to pay for radio, television, Facebook advertising, etc.  It will also serve as a virtual momument to the grassroots heroes of Ohio who have "fought back against an oppressive federal gov't".      We're trying to reach (through advertising) those who don't yet know about the effort.
WE ASK THAT YOU SWAP OUT YOUR PROFILE PICS with the one above.... ask friends and family to do the same, and encourage everyone to logon on the 15th to see how we can finally cross the finish line and beat back the Obamacare Mandate.
Questions can be sent to me...
Steven Carr
Columbus Tea Party
The Ohio Project
"I prefer dangerous Freedom over peaceful Slavery."  ~ Thomas Jefferson

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