Monday, September 28, 2009

Copenhagen Chicago Caper

Ca*per (noun)
...a playful leap or dancing step
...a lighthearted adventurous act or prank . . .

President’s Unprecedented Trip to Copenhagen, Denmark to Tout Chicago

Our president has nothing better to do than to fly to Europe to pitch the windy City as the site of the 2016 summer Olympics? Who is he paying off now, the Mayor Richard Daley political machine? When Iran‘s braggadocio claims of now being able to hit Israel and U.S. military bases in Europe, when our own economy is faltering, where the citizenry of our nation is upset with the proposed so-called healthcare proposal coming out of the White House and Congress, he gallivants off to visit his admirers in Europe and to beg them to grant his adopted city of Chicago the right to hold the ’16 Summer Olympiad.

To me along with his foolish proposal to lengthen the classroom hours in U.S. Schools compounding much of the bureaucratic ineptness, and his foolish and incompetent handling of almost everything he and his czars have touched since January 20, he now seemingly on a whim dashes off to Copenhagen on behave of his Chicago cronies. This is not only a first among American President; it demeans and disgraces the position. He has reduced himself to a community solicitor. This man’s ego is so big that he has become blinded by his own vision of himself.

The hard lesson, I hope that America has learned, is that elections do have drastic repercussions and we are experiencing them now on a daily basis. Everyday I awake and shutter to find our president meddling in or messing up some aspect of the America that was so carefully and sacrificially created and sustained. He is a human wrecking ball, not the media-made messiah he apparently believes himself to be.

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