Friday, November 16, 2007

Musharraf & the American Left

Quote from Coulter

I just read Ann Coulter’s weekly (11/14/07)
column. Here is a pearl of wisdom gleaned from it.

“. . . (Pakistani President General Pervez) Musharraf has been a crucial ally of ours since Sept. 12, 2001. His loyal friendship to the United States while governing a country that is loyal to al-Qaida might prove dispiriting to the terrorists. So, until recently, the media mostly confined stories about Musharraf to page A-18.

”Now, with the surge in Iraq working, Democrats are completely demoralized. Al-Qaida was counting on them. (We know the surge in Iraq is working because it is no longer front page news.) . . .”


Leftist Democrat Party leadership and their liberal allies in the media, entertainment and academia always seem to be on the wrong side of what is right. Coulter points out one example of that wrongheadedness.

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