Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Global Warming is Such a Scam

In reading the NewsBusters website/blog I came across a post that cited a segment off a recent Glenn Beck CNN TV show quoting an article that was written by someone who should know something about the weather, the founder of the Weather Channel. Here is how this expert starts out his article:

"It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global warming is a scam. . . ." --- John Coleman, Founder of the Weather Channel
Among some of the thoughts shared in the Glenn Beck video are the fact that there are a whole host of scientists that disagree with the preposterous theory of Global Warming so eloquently, yet so wrongly, proclaimed by Algore among others. The main stream media ignores all but the most bombastic believers in this falsehood. Check out the article and the video. It will shed refreshing light on what should be a non-issue.

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