Sunday, November 11, 2007

How to Assure Our National Security

Today is Veterans Day here in the United States. Our military valiantly does its part in securing our nation, we are thankful for all of their efforts. Today I depart from my on-going series on Shining God’s Light on the Koran in order to address the matter of our nation’s security, which is a such hot topic in the presidential election campaign that is underway.

Homeland security begins with morality. What is morality? It is determined exclusively and clearly by God, Himself, in Scripture and not by any man-made rule of law. Immorality breeds insecurity and eventually even extinction.

Have you ever, as I have, bought an apple that appears to be delicious, red, firm, and free of any apparent defect? But when you bite into it, you find that it is rotten to its core? Then what do you do with that bad apple? I, for one, always throw it away in disgust.

Likewise, we can put fences on our borders attempting to stop every illegal alien, El Qaeda terrorist or drug runner from entering the United States. We can even pacify or appease the terrorists as the Democrat Party leadership is so prone and willing to do. Our economy can even continue to do well. However, if the nation is immoral, God will throw our nation away like I did that spoiled apple! In other words, our nation will follow the way of Rome, Greece, Mayan and Aztecs and will become extinct.


Here is how liberals and the Left in America gain and maintain their power, by fostering national insecurity. I will give four examples.

The first is through their promotion of the so-called war on poverty, which actually disables and dis-enables those in poverty causing them to remain dependent on the government and beholden to their liberal slave masters.

Another example is the Left’s near frantic and consistent rejection of any idea that would foster our national independence on energy. This guarantees national insecurity. It appears that the leftists do not want us to be independent and secure. They reject nuclear, coal and oil exploration fighting those at every point in the process.

The Left is also against the military, and therefore against national security, when they deny funds for the troops. They vote against every advanced weapon system and the deployment of the same in combat, making it difficult for the military to gain victory.

Finally, the Left knows that increased taxes slows the economy, so they want to increase taxes and increase spending, which work in tandem to bankrupt America.

The Left’s plan for America is the creation of a godless socialist state. If their plan is successful, it will lead to national disaster.


Even President George Washington, one of our Founding Fathers, warned against foreign alliances in order to secure the nation. Unless the Lord Jesus Christ builds the nation those who labor; labor in vain. Unless the Lord Jesus Christ guards the security of the nation, those who work in securing our homeland – the Border Agents, Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the National Guard, etc – all do so in vain. Unless the nation honors the Lord Jesus Christ it is doomed.

Therefore, each of us individually and as a nation, needs to examine ourselves, repent and turn from our individual and national wickedness. We begin this by inviting the Lord Jesus Christ into our lives. We can do this by means of a simple prayer, “Lord Jesus forgive me of my sin and come into my life.” We then follow Jesus Christ in all our actions.

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