Sunday, February 03, 2008

"FED UP," A Citizen’s State of the Union Message

T.D. passes on to AGC… the following excellent State of the Union message from the perspective of an ordinary American citizen which both the President and the Congress ought to hear loud and clear . . .

Mr. President, members of Congress:

The state of this union is: In grave peril and in danger of collapse!

Due to inappropriate actions and or inaction on the part of those entrusted with managing this great nation--that would be YOU, ladies and gentlemen-- the United States of America is on the brink of declining into a third-world cesspool.

It is imperative that our government recognize the fact that the people are FED UP with the attempt to undermine American sovereignty, homeland security, and culture.

In short, the people are:

FED UP with plans to merge the United States into a North American alliance with Canada and Mexico. Such a plan would destroy American sovereignty and is totally unacceptable.

FED UP with the refusal of the federal government to secure our borders at time of war.

FED UP when Mexicans and others illegally cross our borders and assault and or kill Americans, yet our government takes no action, and refuses to even protest.

FED UP when Americans defending the U.S. from drug smuggling illegal aliens are sent to federal prison, while invading criminals are to be forgiven via amnesty for violating our borders and laws.

FED UP with the fact that upwards of 38 million illegal aliens are currently in America, and cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

FED UP with a president who orders thousands of young Americans into harm's way thousands of miles from home, but who refuses to properly secure America.

FED UP with politicians who refuse to enforce immigration laws and who claim it is "impossible" to deport criminals here illegally.

FED UP with illegal aliens who can not and/or will not speak English.

FED UP with taxpayer dollars being wasted to print documents in foreign languages.

FED UP with illegal aliens who dump their medical bills on the backs of U.S. taxpayers, but who send $30-40 billion a year back to Mexico and other countries each year.

FED UP with the fact that providing free medical services to illegal aliens drives hospitals out of business, making those facilities unavailable to American citizens for whom the medical centers were intended.

FED UP with our schools being invaded by non-English speaking children who impede the learning process of students who genuinely belong here.

FED UP with the fact that federal, state, and local penal systems are overrun by illegal aliens, again costing taxpayers billions each year.

FED UP with the fact that, on average, illegal aliens kill 12 Americans every day.

FED UP with the fact that the overwhelming majority of felony crimes being investigated in Los Angeles have been committed by illegals from Mexico.

FED UP with politicians who refuse to round up and deport millions of illegal aliens who are destroying American culture and language.
FED UP with politicians who pamper illegal aliens with driver's licenses and free public services, which encourage even more invaders to come to America.

FED UP with the attempted Mexicanization of America. Mexico is a third-world slum, and we are FED UP with those who want America to be like Mexico!

Finally, Mr. President and members of the U.S. Congress, people are FED UP with those who consistently work on behalf of illegal aliens and Mexico, and against the interests of the American people!

Please do not underestimate the dissatisfaction and rage swelling in the hearts of patriotic Americans on this vital issue.

The state of this union is untenable and must not continue.

We DEMAND our great country back!

Steve Merrill, Oklahoma

*** Illegal immigration should have stopped on September 12, 2001.

*** Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist"

*** "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil but because of those who look on and do nothing." --Albert Einstein

*** The American media reports the news under the privilege granted to them under the First Amendment. But they also have the moral responsibility associated with that right to report it without a leftist slant.


I echo these remarks.

What a contrast between the fluff and frill presented by President G.W. Bush in his recent hour-long final State of the Union message and this substantive and powerful description of the real problems and the true state of America today. Thanks T.D. for sending us this message and thanks to Mr. Merrill for so eloquent a statement.

I am sorely afraid that the current candidate crop in both parties, namely Rodham-Clinton, Obama, Romney and McCain will perpetuate and actually worsen the state of our union if they were to be elected. Our only hope lies in a fallible Mike Huckabee at this point in time, unless a truer conservative is drafted by the Republican Party or emerges as an independent.


  1. .
    Ron Paul would stop illegal immigration. Only under an RP administration could we afford it!

  2. Matt -

    You may be correct regarding immigration. No one else seems to have demostrated better action than RP.
