Friday, February 22, 2008

Michelle's Abomidible Miscue

A Gary McCoy cartoon found on GOPUSA
Here is a little poem inspired by the above cartoon and the Beatles' song Michelle:
Michelle Oboma-idible

Michelle, oh swell.
Your vain words have so much to tell,
About you and Barack, Michelle.

You both are so very liberal,
You both are socialist near-do-wells,
Spoiled suburban yuppies, Barack and Michelle.
If her husband, Barack's rise on the political scene due to his empty but eloquent speeches is the "first time" that his wife is "proud of America" she has a very skewed view of America.
* Is she not proud of the nation that provides economic help and medical assistance to many poor nations of the world?
* Is she not proud of the nation that permits women the freedom to compete for jobs in nearly all occupations?
* Is she not proud of the nation who rescued the world from dictators like Hitler?
* Is she not proud of the nation that has given her and her husband opportunities for education and advancement?
* Is she not proud of the nation that allows her and her husband to hold such anti-American and anti-Christian socialist ideas and be embraced by a large portion of the population, who really do not know how deeply socialist and anti-American this couple's beliefs truly are?
Words such as ungrateful, arrogant, selfish, deceitful, unconscionable, narcissist, blind all flood my mind when I think of the words you said, Michelle. America is not perfect, Mrs. Obama, but it is still a relatively "shining light on a hill" compared to the Islamic, communist, deeply decadent socialist and dictatorial states that surround us.

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