Saturday, February 16, 2008

Roe v. Wade, How Much Do You Know?

Less than a month ago liberals and leftists of our nation celebrated, while many social conservatives mourned and protested the passing of the 35th anniversary of the dreaded U.S. Supreme Court decision. That fateful and fatal (for millions of babies) decision launched an on-going American Atrocity. Actually it has been 35 years, 25 days since the court declared itself to be wiser than God Almighty and took the matter of life and death into their own bloody hands.
You can talk about the horrors committed by Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, or Adi Amin, but now America shamefully shares company with that band of evildoers. America alone has sanctioned the killing of 45 million pre-born babies. At the bottom of this blog is an American Abortion Counter, which estimates the current number of abortions being committed by the second in the United States . . .

The killing continues with pro-abortion candidates being served up to the American people by one political party and the other party putting forth a candidate to whom abortion and “social issues” are seemingly and relatively unimportant. More and more America is becoming a culture of death, abortion, embryonic stem cells research and euthanasia. The leading GOP candidate agrees with the pro-death Democrat candidates by favoring taxpayer funding of the destruction (killing) of human embryos (life) for this unproven, unfruitful and questionable research.
Last month I came across this short quiz or test, which reveals how uninformed we Americans actually are about this most heinous and notorious decision that the the godless 'Supreme' Court has ever made. If the electorate knew about the truth about abortion - that it is the limitless killing of living babies - they would not be swayed by the rhetoric of bombastic B.S. that emanates from the faces of the power-hungry self-aggrandizing culture-destroying politicians.

Take the test now and test your Roe IQ. I had two of twelve answers wrong when I took the quiz. Please let us know how well you did and what you learned about Roe using the comment button below . . .

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