Saturday, February 02, 2008

None of the Above

Media Certified, Sanctioned, & Approved Candidates

Super Tuesday Primary Ballot

___ Barack Hussein Obama (D) Radical Liberal
___ Hillary Diane Rodham-Cliniton (D) Radical Liberal
___ John Sidney McCain III (RINO) Moderate-Liberal
___ Willard Mitt Romney (RINO) Moderate-Liberal
_X_ None of the Above
That is the correct vote, 'None of the Above.' The four named above are the sanitized candidates being prescribed by the main stream media to an apathetic and unthinking America. They all are liberals to some degree. Some like Wilard Mitt Romney and John Sidney McCain III try to deceive and to hide their liberal core beliefs, which have been clearly demonstrated by their actions and their votes in years past. They evoke the name of Ronald Reagan trying to snow the masses to believe they are sincere followers of this great conservative President.
Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Diane Rodhan-Clinton are unashamedly liberal for the most part unless they are in a church or in the South. They vie for the nefarious claim of which is more pro-death (pro-abortion) and pro-homosexual than the other.
My friends these are all lousy candidates. Can't America do better? America needs a true conservative to lead us during the next 4 to 8 years not rehashed Bush-Clinton-Bush bumbling and fumbling.
The closest we have on the present horizon is Governor Mike Huckabee, which really isn't saying much. He does apparently strongly support life and marriage, which none the front four in reality do, so that is a start. He is the marginally acceptable candidate right now. Even Congressman Ron Paul is better than those up-front-four.

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