Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Right Wing v. Left Wing, Worlds Apart

A Good Choice . . . debate, round one.

Representing Barack Obama and the liberal worldview is Emmanuel Winner from New York. He has his own blog on Senator Barack Obama's blog. Representing Mike Huckabee (who is the only near-conservative remaining in the race) and the conservative worldview is gregjaye from Ohio. Mr. Winner originally made his comments in response to Sam’s Sunday blog entry, I reproduce it below. Likewise, my initial response to him is also duplicated below. I think that these viewpoints should be highlighted, discussed and seen in all their manifest differences.


It is time for Right-Wing politicos admit that

1. they do not believe, and refuse to abide by, the Constitution of the United States;

2. they do not believe and refuse to observe that those who are not rich have the same rights as those who are;

3. they do not believe that the lives of those who are not rich have the same value as those who are, especially during wartime;

4. they do believe that symbols of the country (e.g., flag-pins) have more importance than the substance that is the country, because they can be used to guide and the uneducated;

5. they do believe that the Old Testament is the fundamental book of Christianity, that the New Testament adds nothing to it, and that the practical accumulation of wealth is more important than any Biblical morality;

6. they do believe that language, religion, intelligence, and the capacity to accumulate wealth are, or ought to be, passed to us through birth (and hence constitute a birth-right).
These six principles have become manifest in the policies of the Bush Administration, and are now almost explicitly stated aby RightWing pundits.

All I am asking is that they come all the way out of the closet, proclaim these as their basic principles, and present their case honestly to the American people. If we are going to put an end to our Representative Democracy and give it over to an oligarchic republic for and by the wealthy, may we at least have one honest, reasonable referendum on this issue? Just as a matter of courtesy to the memory of the Founders who made it possible for us to be here?

I don't see how Right Wingers can claim to be patriots any other way - because otherwise, they are traitors.


Thank you Mr. Winner, I appreciate your comments, even though I thoroughly disagree with them. It was interesting, I posted my reply to his post on his blog (which was identical to what he commented on Sam's article) and my comment was removed as apparently "being inaccurate, off-topic and inflamitory." I could say the same thing about your remarks, Mr. Winner. So much for tolerance on the part of the far liberal left!

Here are my thoughts in response to your comments above:

1. Sorry, but it is liberal activist judges who are destroying the U.S. Constitution with their (mis)interpretation. They put their own political agenda above the original intent of the Founding Fathers. Roe v. Wade is a breach of the U.S. Constitution. The judiciary is not supposed to make law, only the legislative branch. The U.S. Supreme Court usurped the authority of the legislative branch. This was and is wrong.

2. Every American has the same rights and opportunities. All men are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our rights come from God, not from the State. America is the land of opportunity and freedom.

3. There are many cases where poor whites, blacks or Hispanics, Vietnamese, etc. through hard work and effort have obtained the American Dream. This is the Hope and the Dream and the Opportunity America offers.

4. Conservatives also believe in true patriotism not in pins. Conservatives believe in principles such as: small or limited government, personal responsibility and accountability, keeping taxes low for everyone, rich or poor, a culture of life (as opposed to a culture of death that includes abortion and euthanasia)

5. Many conservatives believe that this country was founded by Christians who knew their Judeo-Christian Bibles, read and lived by it, both Old and New Testaments. They recognized the authority and wisdom of the entire bible not select portions that fit their particular philosophical or political viewpoint. Our Founders believed in absolute truth. Most conservatives believe that Abortion is wrong, that homosexual behavior is wrong, that it is unnatural, immoral and unhealthy.

6. Conservatives believe in assimilation of LEGAL immigrants into the American culture. We welcome all; however, multiculturalism leads to Balkanization, which leads to disunity and conflict. English should be the only official language of this culture. Government business, voting, road signs etc should be conducted only in English.

Mr. Winner, the six 'principles' you enumerate in your rant above are not representative of conservative principles. Again conservatives stand for small government, limited spending, low taxes for everyone, LEGAL immigration, original intent in the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. We believe in the sanctity life from conception to NATURAL death. Conservatives believe in freedom of religion including the free expression of religion in the public square including the Christian faith.

Overall your post misrepresents what you call the “Right Wing”, but to which I prefer to refer to as Conservatism.

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