Saturday, March 20, 2010

Congress playing health care roulette!

Cartoon by Steve Kelley as found on 3/19/10
Cartoon by Nate Beeler as found on 3/19/10
Cartoon by Lisa Benson as found on 3/19/10 .

Cartoon by Michael Ramirez as found on 3/19/10

I received an email from Richard Viguerie who wrote that Actor Jon Voight will speak to conservative activists at a rally in Washington tomorrow. Tea Party and other patriots will be storming Washington for one last stand against the venomous, freedom-drenching, government-control expanding so-called health care reform (HCR) bill scheduled to be voted on tomorrow in the House of Representatives.

Washington Times (Inside the Beltway) - "The health care vote looms heavy over the nation in the next 72 hours, like the sword of Damocles or maybe a 500-pound gorilla holding the sword of Damocles. Prepare for media saturation as press and pundits handicap, underestimate and overpackage the confusing legislation that has come to symbolize the agony and/or ecstasy of the democratic process. There will be whirling graphics, vote tallies, time Ines, speculation: Broadcasters will treat the vote like an election, the coverage amped up by emotional politicians
and the added frisson of 'tea party' street protests at the Capitol, led by, among others, actor Jon Voight."

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