Thursday, September 04, 2008

Bob Bird for U.S. Senate

With all the recent talk about Sarah Palin, McCain’s VP choice, I would like to focus on another Alaskan. Bob Bird is running for U.S. Senate as member of the Alaska Independence Party (AIP). Click here to see what Governor Palin says about the AIP.

The Candidate

When asked the question, “Can you make a brief, non-religious case for banning abortion for secular libertarian readers?” Bob Bird said:

In a recent debate with me, a proabortion Democrat said that: ‘When human life begins is a religious question.’ This is nonsense. Even Planned Parenthood’s Faye Wattleton admitted ‘Of course I know that human life begins at conception.’ Each human cell has 46 chromosomes, EXCEPT the reproductive cells, which have 23. Put the sperm and egg together, and voila! Forty-six chromosomes and human life. We must always err on the side of life, when in doubt.

He believes that the President need not enforce Roe v Wade, citing Thomas Jefferson’s decision not to enforce Alien and Sedition Act, which he deemed unconstitutional. Furthermore, he acknowledges that Article III section 2 gives Congress the right to nullify most any decision that Supreme Court may make. Finally, he says that state legislatures should openly defy the court’s tyrannical decisions. Bob Bird is endorsed by the Alaska Right to Life (ARL). That is quite a feat for a non-Republican.

He believes that in the Kelo v New London case, the courts had no jurisdiction because the Fifth Amendment, in his view, only applies to federal cases.

He believes that the statehood amendment for Alaska is unconstitutional, because it granted the federal government ownership of 60% of Alaska’s land in violation of Article I, section 8, clause 17.

He believes that the war in Iraq is both unconstitutional and immoral. He is also against regulations of the Department of the Motherland Security which restrict the movement of people on Alaska’s beaches.

He believes that gun ownership is an absolute right. He understands that the Constitution mainly restricts the federal government and not state or local governments or private citizens. He would get rid of all of the wasteful unconstitutional government departments, agencies, programs, and memberships in world organizations.

The Opposition

Ted “bridges to nowhere” Stevens, self-described as “pro-choice” was among the few Republicans who joined the ranks of Olympia Snow, Susan Collins and Arlen Specter in voting NO on a bill that would have prevented federal funds from being issued to groups that perform abortions except hospitals. He voted to express the sense of the Senate for (to approve of) Roe v Wade.

He voted for the Patriot Act three times, the military commissions act of 2006, the use of force in Iraq in 2002, and voted against measures to get out of Iraq. He voted for CAFTA (the Central American Fraud and Theft Agreement).

This is the guy who pitifully threatened to resign if he didn’t get his way on federal funding of his pork.

Stevens was also recently indicted for taking inappropriate gifts from an oil corporation. Even Palin helped to crack down on the corruption of her fellow Republican.


Bob Bird has an excellent chance to win this election! Click here to contribute.

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