Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More on the First McCain-Obama Debate

The Opponents

Cartoon by Glenn McCoy as found on TownHall.com 9/29/08

The Winner

“Many in the mainstream media are calling Friday’s Presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama a tie.

“So, in other words, McCain won.”

- - - NewsBusted, Episode 9/30/08

The Conclusion

I grudgingly watched most of the debate. Why, I don't know. It did seem like McCain did land in enemy territory. PBS's Jim Lehrer slants leftward as does the radical liberal Barack Obama. I do not care for either candidate. Neither would be good for this country. However, I think that McCain won the debate, but that is not saying much. Both candidates seems to swing socialist and differ only in the matter of degree. McCain is a moderate socialist, while Obama tends to being an extreme socialist, a Saul Alinsky Marxist. Pick your poison, a slow death or a quicker killing.

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