Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mike Hargadon for Congress

The Candidate

Mike is running for Congress in Maryland’s 7th district, which is the district that contains Baltimore. He is a dentist and even though he is now running as a Republican, was the regional coordinator for the Maryland Constitution Party and ran for Lieutenant Governor as write in candidate in the last gubernatorial election in Maryland. He is also on the board of Pro-life Maryland.

He quotes Ron Paul on the issue of abortion, "The right of an innocent, unborn child to life is at the heart of the American ideals of liberty." He recognizes that Article III section 2 of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the right to remove the abortion issue from the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court so that issue can be decided by the states. He believes that abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered. He would eliminate the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.

He believes that the right to bear arms is exists “to protect our families from government tyranny or anarchy”.

On education, he would “support a transitional effort to downsize or eliminate the federal Department of Education, and I would attempt to limit federal regulations of home school activities”.

He would prohibit PAC contributions to candidates for federal office and supports limiting the President’s use of signing statements in order to prevent an alternative interpretation of the bill.

He recognizes the threat of eminent domain and the involvement of NAFTA in it. The superhighway would violate the property rights of families, in some cases forcing them to move.

On energy, he supports offshore drilling, drilling in ANWAR, the building of refineries, as well as coal, nuclear, wind and solar energy. He also recognizes that the Federal Reserve and government overspending are part of the problem of rising gas prices. New money is created to pay for government projects and this devalues our currency. He is against costly federal environmental regulation and believes that honoring private property rights is the best environmental policy.

He favors enforcing the immigration laws, physically securing our borders, and ending birthright citizenship via constitutional amendment. “No amnesty, no welfare, no benefits for illegal immigrants,” he says.
On the War in Iraq, he says, “I am a non-interventionist in that we should not intervene in other countries affairs for spreading democracy. We should also not tolerate foreign countries or PACs meddling or in our foreign policy. We need to have clearly defined objectives for our involvement in Iraq and an exit strategy.” He says, “Congress has not declared war since WW II, yet we continue to fight wars all over the globe. This is unconstitutional. We have troops stationed at over 700 bases in 130 countries. According to the Constitution, it is the duty of Congress to declare war, not the President. Article I, section 8 states: ‘The Congress shall...provide for the common Defense’. The Constitution gives the President no authority to police the world with our military. Bring our troops home and leave those people alone.” He also says, “Bring Blackwater under government control or shut them down.” He quotes Thomas Jefferson: "Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none."

He recognizes that government health care programs are expensive, inefficient, prohibitive of choice, violate our sovereignty, and (in the case that the federal government is involved) unconstitutional. He is against federally mandated vaccinations and federal laws against drugs and would allow the importation of prescription drugs into the United States.

The Opposition

Elijah Cummings is a tax and spend, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-same-sex civil unions Democrat who says this about Iraq:
“I support Senator Obama's plan for redeployment. We also should work for an international peace-keeping presence in Iraq. A regional, multinational non-aggression organization including Iraq and its neighbors should be established with time-limited U.S. guarantees against invasion of Iraq by any other power.”

Keep our troops in Iraq under the guise of “peace-keeping” and establish more international bureaucracy (we already have the U.N., NATO, etc.)??? How is this any different than McCain’s plan??? Making a promise against an invasion of Iraq when that is what WE did??? This is basically a promise that we will get into another war if any other country invades Iraq. Why not just get out completely, immediately, and unconditionally?


Its time to retire Elijah Cummings! We need Mike Hargadon for Congress! Click here to contribute.

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