Friday, September 26, 2008

Pulpit Freedom Sunday 9/28/08

Righting First Amendment Wrongs

I received an email from KC today reminding me of an event upcoming this Sunday where participating pastors will exercise their First Amendment right to speak on positions of electoral candidates. Below is a piece that was posted on the ADF which describes this event.

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Pastors participating in the Alliance Defense Fund’s “Pulpit Freedom Sunday” will preach from their pulpits Sept. 28 about the moral qualifications of candidates seeking political office. The pastors will exercise their First Amendment right to preach on the subject, despite federal tax regulations that prohibit intervening or participating in a political campaign.

“Pastors have a right to speak about Biblical truths from the pulpit without fear of punishment. No one should be able to use the government to intimidate pastors into giving up their constitutional rights,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Erik Stanley. “If you have a concern about pastors speaking about electoral candidates from the pulpit, ask yourself this: should the church decide that question, or should the IRS?”

Pulpit Freedom Sunday is an event associated with the ADF Pulpit Initiative (, a legal effort designed to secure the First Amendment rights of pastors in the pulpit. A document explaining what the Pulpit Initiative is and is not is available at

ADF is not trying to get politics into the pulpit. Churches can decide for themselves that they either do or don’t want their pastors to speak about electoral candidates. The point of the Pulpit Initiative is very
simple: the IRS should not be the one making the decision by threatening to revoke a church’s tax-exempt status. We need to get the government out of the pulpit,” said Stanley.

Stanley explained that, contrary to the misunderstandings of many, tax-exempt status is not a “gift” or “subsidy” bestowed by the government.

“Churches were completely free to preach about candidates from the day that the Constitution was ratified in 1788 until 1954. That’s when the unconstitutional rule known as the ‘Johnson Amendment’ was enacted,” explained Stanley. “Churches are exempt from taxation under the principle that there is no surer way to destroy religion than
to begin taxing it. As the U.S. Supreme Court has noted, the power to tax involves the power to destroy. The real effect of the Johnson Amendment is that pastors are muzzled for fear of investigation by the IRS.”

After Sept. 28, ADF plans to provide via news release a list of pastors who participated in Pulpit Freedom Sunday.

It is very interesting that for years liberal black churches have preached political oriented messages unfettered. However, conservative Christian churches have essentially been silenced by the ACLU threats and intimidation. A few months ago I happened to be listening to a black preacher ranting eloquent about supporting Barack “the Messiah” Obama. You never hear any mention or condemnation of black churches or liberal black preachers pontificating, praising or extolling politically correct liberal candidate. The politically correct candidates can even “preach” on Sunday mornings his or her Monday morning stump speech.

What the ADF is doing here is leveling the playing field for conservative Christians, as well as reversing the damage down to this country by Lyndon “bane” Johnson.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I am so ahamed that I wasted my vote on George Warmonger Bush. What was I thinking??? I voted for a high profile moron who is anything but conservative or faithful to the US Constitution. I can't believe that I'm wanting more of the same by voting for McCain. Why did I let my neoconservative, religious right wing extremist, evangelical, elitist, corporate socialistic views get in the way of exercising sound personal thought when I entered that voting booth??? I was brainwashed to believe the Republican ideology was that says the GOP is a party that is “of, for and by the people” and that we were moral and God’s political party. My daddie’s Bush & Cheney have single handedly wasted more money and human lives then all of the past Democrat Presidents put together. After the lies of Heir Bush and Gustapo Cheney that got us into Iraq, I cannot seem to get the blood of American soldiers and innocent Iraqi’s off of my hands. Since the voters in my GOP party will vote for any pathetic waste of skin who claims to be conservative, pro-life (whatever that is even supposed to mean), Christian (again questionable), and an NRA member who hates faggots and minorities, it has become obvious to me that the logic that drives our voting decisions is really messed up. As such, getting a good effective leader for the USA is like trying to tune a piano that is missing half of it’s keys. Oh God…What am I going to do???????
