Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Abortion: America’s Great Atrocity Continues

March for Life, Mansfield, Ohio 1/20/08
Isn’t 35 Years of Murdering Babies Long Enough?

Today is the anniversary of Roe versus Wade. It has caused a Holocaust of the dimension of the most ruthless dictators and evil nations that have ever existed. Roe v. Wade is the greatest perpetuation injustice and "un-law" ever foisted on the citizens of this nation.

Congressman Jim Jordan is 100% pro-life. Being 100% pro-life is a basic requirement of any office holder in America. He emphasized two things. First, the sanctity and the preciousness of life is what the founders of our country recognized. What is great about America is that most Americans recognize this. He reassured the audience that the pro-life movement is making progress. We recognize that man was created by God with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The right to life is the most basic, the most fundamental right on which all other rights are based. He asked, “Can you have true liberty and freedom if government does not protect that most fundamental right to live?”

The second point he made is that the supporters and activists in the pro-life movement lobby to a great extent on their core principle and beliefs, He noted that most people who come to him come with some financial motive in mind. They come to their elected representatives for what they could gain for themselves. They want some particular legislation or amendment or changes in the law that will benefit them. Many in the pro-life movement interact with their elected officials only because it is the right thing to do.

He encouraged the audience noting that the number of lives taken in America by abortion was at an all-time low last year. He admonished the audience to stay positive and focused and committed to the task at hand. He also warned the audience that they should never expect fair treatment from the media, the press. He shared that 1990 more than 500,000 people attended the March for Life on the Mall in Washington, D.C. and there was nary a mention in the Washington Post and other major newspapers. The pro-life cause will never get a fair shake in the media, but the truth is on our side. In relation to the media bias, he quoted conservative journalist Cal Thomas who said that every morning he gets up and reads the Bible, and then he reads the New York Times. He does this because he wants to stay abreast of what both sides are up to.

Congressman Jordan compared the pro-life movement as being the David and pro-abortion movement as being a seeming giant, a Goliath. Unlike the attitude of the people of Israel who did not take up the challenge from the mighty, powerful Goliath, we need to take David’s approach. David when he heard the people say that the giant Goliath was too big to fight, he reacted saying he is so big I cannot miss him. That is the kind of attitude we all need to have in this battle to protect human life. That is why in the end we will be successful.


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