Saturday, January 19, 2008

Duncan Hunter is no Dennis Kucinich

Congressman Duncan Hunter is not an extremist. He is a conservative.

How far our country has drifted to the left, when a true conservative and Christian and one who believes in conservative and traditional American values is virtually ignored by the press, his party even his fellow Christians and portrayed or vilified by the media as an extremist. His kind was once considered “normal” and “average”. Now he and his kind is marginalized and ridiculed. Looks (Romney) and lies (McCain) loom large and apparently are more important than substance and principle to many deceived American voters.

For example Duncan Hunter built nearly 50 miles of border security fence in his California district, while the lying McCain says he would be the best choice to build a border fence, yeah right. How many years has McCain been in the Senate and did nothing about ILLEGAL alien immigration problem? Instead he wants to give amnesty to the illegals, but he says amnesty is not amnesty. Now all of a sudden we are to believe that he would do something he repeatedly demonstrated that he would do nothing about the issue? Lies, lies and more lies.
Duncan Hunter’s philosophy and positions are much closer to those of America’s Founders. Whereas all of the Democrat candidates, and the RINOs and pseudo-conservatives including McCain, Giuliani, and Romney are much closer to socialism and globalism and maybe even Marxism than they are to our Founder’s philosophy and values.

Kucinich failed as the kid-mayor of Cleveland but with his political bent might thrive as mayor of Leningrad or Havana; certainly his beliefs are closer to socialism and communism than they are to the founding fathers beliefs. Kucinich is truly a kook. But he and his wife are covered more fondly and frequently on liberal old media and even on Sean Insanity’s radio show than is Duncan Hunter, a real conservative, who Sean, Rush and Mark Levin virtually ignore. Hunter is not ‘electable’. Principle and values are not as important as electability?

Hunter is a great American. He towers in principle far above all of the other Presidential candidates, yet gets less than 1000 votes in Michigan compared to the slick ‘mighty’ Mitt who garnered nearly 100,000 votes. On principle there is no comparison between the two men. Apparently looks and loot are more important than principle and virtue today.

Dennis Kucinich
is an anti-American, an extremist, a radical. Duncan Hunter is an American, a true conservative, a believer in the sanctity of life and traditional marriage, enforcement of the rule of law, for Fair Trade, etc. South Carolina and Nevada vote Duncan Hunter today!

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