Saturday, January 26, 2008

Obama on Abortion & the Florida Democrat Primary

Abortion is the New Slavery

Steven Ertelt editor of wrote on Wednesday that Senator Barack Obama said that he is worried the U.S. Supreme Court is just one vote away from overturning Roe v. Wade, which in reality gave women the right to destroy their unborn children for nearly any reason anytime prior to the birth of their child.

Ertelt also quotes Senator and Democrat presidential candidate as saying, "Thirty-five years after the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, it's never been more important to protect," legalized abortions.

In citing the very real possibility that the next President might have an opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court justice, Obama wants to be sure to protect a woman’s right to choose (to kill her baby via) abortion. Obama said that "Roe v. Wade is about more than a woman's right to choose; it's about equality."


You are right Senator Obama. Abortion is a matter of equality. Just as slavery was a matter of equality. You, my friend, whose father was a black man, should be aware of this. Abortion is the new slavery. Just as black human beings were being treated as sub-humans, so too do you and other pro-aborts, pro-death squads treat the unborn as sub-humans. We must free the children, Senator Obama, so that they would be able to have a chance at life just as you and I have had!

Free the children!

Abortion No More!

Stop Abortion Now!


People of Florida: if you are considering voting in today’s Democrat primary election either boycott the election or vote “None of the Above” because Rodham-Clinton, Edwards and Obama share Obama’s position on abortion outlined above.

It is their composite desire to protect the woman’s right to “privacy,” to protect a woman’s right to kill her baby and to protect this newly invented civil right. If this trio of murderous accomplices were really concerned about equality they would be striving to protect the innocent victims of abortion – the 50 million plus slashed
and flushed down the sewers of this depraved society.

Abortion Stops a Beating Heart!


  1. Obama stated worries that the Supreme Court is one vote away from overturning Roe v Wade is entirely unfounded. Samuel Alito said that he had an "open mind" about whether or not to overturn Roe v Wade during his Senate confirmation hearing. He also ruled some anti-abortion legislation in New Jersey to unconstitutional.

    Likewise, Chief Justice Roberts is on the wrong side of the culture war.

    We would be lucky if we could get 3 votes to overturn Roe v Wade if a case got to the Supreme Court (but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try). Six of the Supremes were appointed by Republican presidents. This is proof positive that you shouldn't vote for someone who just says they are pro-life, or that Roe v Wade is a bad idea, etc. That is not good enough. Nothing will change until conservatives elect a candidate (like Ron Paul) who finds abortion to be a total outrage. Please click this link.

  2. Thanks, Matt, for your comment. I agree with what you said about the "Supremes". It would still be iffy even with a 5th "conservative" judges to overturn the unjust and "lawless" Roe v. Wade decision ...

    My question about Congressman Paul is: why is he not in favor of federal amendments on either the protection of human life and the protection of marriage? It is my understanding that he and Thompson preferred that the states deal with these issues. I don't agree. We must protect these traditional values from the runaway judiciary.
