Monday, July 21, 2008

Congress Coasting on Empty

Extreme Environmentalism

"The Dipstick" cartoon by Michael Ramirez found on 7/21/08

Congress is solely responsible for the lack of domestic oil. The Democrats in Congress and many moderate-to-liberal Republicans have bought the Algore types' Koolaid laced with lies, money, political favors, and other mind altering drugs. As stated in the previous article this foolishness must stop. We need to clean out the House and Senate this November and bring in people willing to close the border, develop domestic energy resources in the short-term and long-term and restore balance and sanity in our judicial system among other things.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership have essentially sat on their hands the past two years wanting President Bush and the Republicans to take the blame for the gas crisis and everything else that went wrong. Well, Madame Speaker & her comrades are as much or more to blame for soaring gas prices than is the President. He is not without blame. I heard that gas prices increased 74% since Nancy Pelosi nudged her way into the speaker-ship. She has flat out done nothing to even attempt to solve the problem. She plays politics, that is all. We need statesmen in office not hack politicians. Maybe it will take $5.00/gallon gas to wake up the sleeping American giant . . .

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