Saturday, July 26, 2008

John Adams (2008)

“Well, posterity, you will never know how much it cost us to preserve your freedom. I only hope that you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.” - - - John Adams

These are the closing sentences of the 7-part HBO TV miniseries on the life of John Adams. The second President's words are very relevant for our times. We are the posterity to whom he was referring. I am afraid we have not made too good use of freedom. Freedom with no corresponding responsibility seems to be the mantra of our day.
The miniseries was based on the book by the same name written by David McCullough. It gives a peak into the live and times of the second President of the United States.

The miniseries goes into the relationship between John and his wife Abigail, as well as the relationship between Thomas Jefferson the Adams. You could say those relationship were woven through the series.

I don’t know how historically accurate McCullough’s book or this series was, but I think there is at least hints of truth in it. There were divisions between parties even as early as the 1780s. Big government was a concern. Having a strong military was a concern.

The movie gives a glimpse at the private life of Adams and his children. Two of his children died in early adulthood and the third also followed in his father’s footsteps becoming President of the United States. Adams lived long enough to see his son John Quincy Adams become president. His father was extremely proud.

There is a lot of good acting. Excellent costumes and set design. I think it captured the times very well.


**** ½ of *****. It should win an Emmy Award or two as it has been nominated. I would recommend this miniseries. It is quality entertainment with an education factor built into it. It is very worthwhile; it provides seven plus hours of excellent entertainment.

I paid just under $40 for the three DVD box. However, it has some nice features like on screen factoids about various points of interest related to President Adams or to some interesting item seen on screen. It is worth purchasing, or at least renting. It is worth seeing more than once.

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