Friday, July 18, 2008

School Vouchers

The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch runs a regular feature in their newspaper identifying an important issue to the local community. Occasionally I will respond and comment on the issue raised, as I did to yesterday’s topic.

The Hot Issue: Do you support tax-funded vouchers for low-income children to attend private school?

My Response: Yes. Our schools are a tragic failure. Not due primarily to poor teachers, but to a large extent to a bloated educational bureaucracy and a socialist-oriented philosophy.

Actually, I would like to see either the total elimination of all government schools, or at a minimum, allowing every parent to have tax-funded vouchers if they so choose. Give the parents the ultimate say in what school to send their child. Return control to parents. Cost would be less than the present failed government schools. The results would be better that what is being produced today. We are not educating our children; we are indoctrinating them into a secular-humanist mind-set that is antithetic to that of our nation’s Founding Fathers.

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