Thursday, October 23, 2008

Barb Davis White for Congress

Barb Davis White is a Ron Paul-endorsed Republican running to unseat Keith Ellison, the (self-proclaimed) Muslim congressman, in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district. Click here to read hubbub about the issue of being sworn in with a Qur’an instead of the Bible in the last congressional election cycle.

The Candidate

White is pro-life, supports local control of schools, supports secure borders, and believes that the “global warming” issue has lead to costly over-regulation of industry.

She believes that we should withdrawal from Iraq as soon they have a stable government.

The Opposition

Keith Ellison believes that abortions should always be legal.

Keith Ellison voted for ENDA and sexual orientation-based hate crimes legislation. He supports same-sex marriage.

He not only supports the No Child Left Behind, but actually wants to throw away even more of our hard-earned tax dollars into that waste pit.

He favors a universal healthcare program and thinks we can spend our way to prosperity on every other issue!


We need Barb Davis White in congress! Click here to contribute.

1 comment:

  1. Matt -

    Great candidate. She'd get my vote in a pre-aborted baby's heartbeat!

    Her opponent, Keith Ellison, is a socialsit-Islamist the worst of both worlds.
