Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Two Weeks (2006)

“In this bittersweet comedy, four adult siblings gather at their dying mother's house in North Carolina for what they expect to be a quick, last goodbye. Instead, they find themselves trapped-- together -- for two weeks.” - - - The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) Review

Providentially, as it turns out, I rented the movie, Two Weeks, this past weekend and concluded watching it tonight. Ironically, if not prophetically, it is now two weeks, exactly, before Tuesday, November 4, 2008 election. We could, also, be watching escalation of the demise, the last throes of a dying nation, America. It is not too outlandish to predict or foresee that if Senator Barack Obama is elected President this fall and Nancy “the most powerful woman in the world” Pelosi, and “Senator Surrender” Harry Reid assume a triumvirate of power along with a left leaning judiciary, America, as the Founding Fathers knew it, the vestige of greatness is gone. America would be doomed.

That is how bleak and foreboding an Obama “victory” would be. America today is almost anesthetized by her apathy and prevalent attitude of narcissist pleasure seeking. We are ripe for a socialist takeover. Khrushchev once said that he would bury American, fellow blogger Sam, said the other day that Obama may be Khrushchev’s undertaker.

Sally Fields does an excellent job portraying a dying woman in the movie. Her children gather together with her as she is expected to die relatively quickly. She lingers on for two week and finally succumbs to her fatal cancerous condition. The children appear helpless in watching their mother die. They don’t know how to relate to each other. Most of the siblings are married and have their own lives and families. This is an opportunity for the four to be together again.

Much like the four children of the dying woman in the move, we Americans are today watching America die. Death may be looming in early November. The courts have usurped power and unconstitutionally make laws instead of interpreting them. God has been expelled from the very schools and universities that He and His followers, our Founding Fathers, helped to establish. His laws and principles are violated by our courts and by individuals. Deviant homosexuality has been declared to be good, acceptable and is being foisted upon children in several states as normal, natural, even healthy moral alternative lifestyles. No fault divorce has also cheapened the sacred, God-ordained institution of marriage. The Declaration of Independence, which promises life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, is being violated by almost unlimited and unfettered abortions, nearly 50 million murdered children since 1973.

An Obama presidency will seal the coffin. It will open wide the door, and even wider our borders to Islamists and socialist ideologues to transform this nation into a totalitarian state where our individual liberties and freedoms must be turned in for a measure of security from a bureaucratic big brother government – demanding control over every area of our lives in exchange for a bowlful of porridge.

The four siblings in the movie are crushed by the death of their mother. One of the last wishes of their mother is that she urged them to stay together, to not loose touch with each other.

Perhaps an Obama presidency will serve to unite the people of America to see that socialism and communism are incompatible with the American and Christian values and virtues upon which this once great nation was founded and uniquely and remarkably blessed by the Creator. After all, we still have each other.
I would rate the move a *** 1/2 out of ***** mostly because of the total godless secular worldview portrayed by the movie toward life and death. Though lessons can be learned both for individual lives coping with death as well as on a national level in coming to grips with a dying nation, which, sorry to say, America is. We must individually repent and turn back to God if we are Christians. If we are not Christians we now must turn to God. Great social upheaval and trials await us during an Obama Administration, for however long it will last.
For as dark and forlorn things may look with the election of either Obama or McCain, our God is the real great hope for America. He was the hope of our Founders, He can be our hope again. The motto for the state of Ohio is "With God all things are possible." God offers real change - changing individual hearts - and offers real hope for life here on earth and for life for all eternity. Our hope is in Him and not in Obama or even McCain. Our only hope is in Him.
Remember to vote NObama this NOvember!!!

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