Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Retain Congresswoman Michele (Bachman, R-MN-6), She Ain’t No Michelle (Obama)

For a Conservative Congress Part 12

This will be part of an on-going series, which will identify key races where we either need to retain strong conservatives or to elect strong conservatives. My personal feeling with being faced with two inferior candidates for President offered by our major political parties, we must turn our attention to insuring more conservative American-values oriented persons are elected to the U.S. Congress.


The next race that we will highlight is for U.S. Representative in Minnesota. Representative Michele Bachman, who is the incumbent Republican representative serving the 6th district, is being challenged by Democrat Elwyn Tinklenberg.

Up until recently, Rep. Bachmann was in a strong position to keep her seat. However, following a recent interview with the ultra liberal and Democrat water boy, Chris Matthews, she has been relentlessly attacked for what she said on MSNBC’s Hardcore Liberal with Chris Matthews cable TV show. The Democrats seized the baton from the rascal Matthews and have used the strong positions Bachmann took on that show to denigrate her and to spin her words into an effective fund raising opportunity for the Democratic candidate.

I heard Bachmann on talk show host Mark Levin’s radio program on Monday night expressing concern about how her words were twisted and now used to raise funds to jeopardize her seat in Congress. She is a key conservative voice in the 110th Congress. She is one of the few Representatives with the guts to stand on her principles and stand up to the deplorable Democratic leadership.

I suggest that all conservatives in Minnesota’s Sixth District join me in supporting Representative Michele Bachmann, because her re-election is vital to the conservative cause. We need more Michele Bachmanns and not one less!


Rep. Bachmann is rated as a populist leaning conservative
at Her opponent is a liberal, but not of the Pelosi Obama Biden kind.


One blogger, Suite101, writes concerning the situation in Minnesota:

“Due to the outrage over Bachmann's statements, many feel that the Congresswoman needs to be defeated on November 4th. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, condemned Bachmann's statements, as did other politicians, Democrat and Republican alike. The [homosexual/lesbian] community has been extremely vocal in its opposition of Bachmann for years due to her campaign to ban [same-sex] marriage constitutionally in Minnesota.

Tinklenberg just isn't liberal enough for some voters. One resident in Minnesota's 6th District says he'll vote for Tinklenberg because Bachmann is "an embrassment"; however, he disagrees with Tinklenberg's stance on abortion.”

Because Bachmann dared to speak the truth about Barack Obama and about many of his Democratic cousins, comrades in harm, she has been vilified and targeted for electoral expulsion. Let’s hope and pray that the people of the Sixth District will have more sense than to turn away a real leader in an otherwise leaderless, inept and woeful body, the Democratic “lead” U.S. House of Representatives.

Here is a statement from Rep. Bachmann, which I received in an email today, in response to all of the media frenzy over her truth telling about Obama:

“All this because I dared to say that the formative relationships that Barack Obama had are relevant to figuring out what kinds of policies he might bring to the White House. Because I said that Barack Obama's close relationships with people like Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright and others who hold far-out-of-the-mainstream views might have had some influence on the policy positions that Barack Obama holds."

Bachmann only told the truth. Something the mainstream media (MSM) is uncomfortable with because their man, their candidate, the messiah, must be protected and presented only in a positive light.


To support Representative Michele Bachman, which I absolutely do and urge you to do so as well, see her website, to learn more about her, to make a campaign contribution, to volunteer your service, etc.


  1. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Payback's a bitch ain't it?

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    This is a joke, right?

  3. Anon 10:56 PM -

    Some people can't handle the truth. Democratic Leadership are SOME PEOPLE.

  4. Anon 11:07 AM -

    No Joke. It is critical to America's very survival that Congresswoman Bachmann and others like her retain and obtain power. Otherwise Obama's socialistic state will be fully upon us . . . The only joke is Congress - look at their abysmal approval rating. Murtha, Pelosi, et al must go!

  5. Populist-leaning? Yuck!

  6. Matt -

    Thanks for your comment. I heard Michele Bachmann at the 2007 Values Voters. She is a fearless voice for pro-life and pro-one man, one woman marriage. She is not afraid to stand up to the liberal/socialist elements in Congress that want to destroy America and all it stands for - the "populist conservative" is a label that used. I would call her a strong Christian conservative.

    She is the mother of 5 and has foster cared for 20+ children . . .

    Congress needs a 100 more like Congresswoman Bachmann.
