Friday, October 03, 2008

Palin Wins VP Debate

Cartoon by Gary Varvel as found on 10/1/08

Cartoon by Glenn McCoy found on 10/2/08

Cartoon by Bob Gorrell found on 10/2/08

Prior to the debate I wrote the following in response to the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch’s Hot Issue of the day.

The Hot Issue: Which candidate will perform better in the vice presidential debate tonight?

Governor Palin will be in enemy territory what with Gwin Ifill as the moderator. Ifill is an Obama supporter and is currently writing a book prominently featuring Obama, which is to be published around inaugural day. Is there a conflict of interest and/or one-sided bias? I'd say it is. If Governor Palin is herself she should win a tough debate, after all Senator Biden has been a Washington insider and making a living with his mouth debating for all the wrong causes for many years.

It will be very informative. You go, girl.

One other comment that caught my attention in response to this same Hot Issue was, “Sarah Palin - It will be from the heart and not from the archives of a smart X?! jawboner who has never done anything but talk!”


I was impressed with the overall impartiality of the moderator. She did a good and fair job. I was surprised by this. With the adverse PR before the debate – some even calling for her to withdraw herself – because she is a strong Obama supporter and is even in the process of writing a book dealing with him, maybe more pressure was on the mainstream media woman than was on one of the principals of the Vice Presidential debate. It was Ms. Ifill that was on the defensive.

Joe “working class roots” Biden, did a workmanlike job. But Palin shown with the same glow that President Ronald Reagan once did. Her demeanor and responses were exceptionally polished, yet believable and down-to-earth. No wonder the leftist elites hate her.

The Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson interviews were staged and manipulated to present Americans with a Palin in the worst light possible. They tried hard to make her look bad like they did Dan Quayle. Someone said today that there are three key milestones for any VP candidate. The first is the introductory speech following the announcement of the selection. The second is the speech at their party’s national political convention. And third, the Presidential debate. She shined at all three. Her candidacy was legitimized tonight. She held her own and then some against an experienced entrenched and egotistical politician.

Governor Palin was the clear winner of the debate, representing herself and her principles well. This was an timely antidote to the Couric-Gibson mainstream media setup. She should never submit herself to anymore taped interviews, only live interviews were the results cannot be manipulated or twisted for biased political purposes.

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