Are these two peas in a pod? D.C. sniper John Allen Muhammad (left) and Major Murderer Nabil Malik Hasan (right) One Executed! Will the other be next?
Political correctness is the bane of this nation. And yes, thirteen times yes, it was one of the primary reasons that this tragedy on a military base in Texas occurred. Some in our nation, especially the leftist, who are currently control of America’s government, refuse to recognize that Islam is a military-political-religious movement. Islam is an enemy of the United States and all Western Civilization. George W. Bush and others who claim that it is a religion of peace are mistaken, deluded or ignorant or all of the above.
The ultimate aim of Islam is world domination. Look at Saudi Arabia. They do not permit any form of Christianity to exist or be practiced in their dictatorship, yet they back the advance of that military-political-religion, and I might add blatantly anti-Christian, movement here in America. In other words they are woefully intolerant of all other religions, yet they demand tolerance for their ‘religion’ outside their Islamic prison. The Mullahs and Ayatollahs laugh at and perceive the current regime in power in America as weak and appeasing along the same order of former President Jimmy Carter.
I was glad to see that a stay of execution was denied to D.C. sniper John Muhammad, another Islam influenced mass murderer. John Allen became John Muhammad after he joined nation of Islam, a fringe Muslim group mainly consisting of African American converts.
What further excuses will be made for Nidal Hasan by the complicit, politically correct press? He had pre Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), he was picked on by bullies, he did not want to fulfill his military obligation and serve where assigned because of his ‘faith’. Fact is, he is an Islamic terrorist who infiltrated the military and accomplished what he obviously set out to do – kill the infidel as commanded by the Koran. Hopefully justice will be swift and we will not have to wait 7 years for this terrorist within to be executed for his murderous actions.
When will America and the rest of the world wake up to the fact that Islam is, in fact, a ‘religion’ of hate and they are the avowed enemy of the West? When will we begin to pay attention to the Nabil Hasans in the military and in America? When will we do what is right and not what may be political correctness in the eyes of the elitists?
Political correctness is the bane of this nation. And yes, thirteen times yes, it was one of the primary reasons that this tragedy on a military base in Texas occurred. Some in our nation, especially the leftist, who are currently control of America’s government, refuse to recognize that Islam is a military-political-religious movement. Islam is an enemy of the United States and all Western Civilization. George W. Bush and others who claim that it is a religion of peace are mistaken, deluded or ignorant or all of the above.
The ultimate aim of Islam is world domination. Look at Saudi Arabia. They do not permit any form of Christianity to exist or be practiced in their dictatorship, yet they back the advance of that military-political-religion, and I might add blatantly anti-Christian, movement here in America. In other words they are woefully intolerant of all other religions, yet they demand tolerance for their ‘religion’ outside their Islamic prison. The Mullahs and Ayatollahs laugh at and perceive the current regime in power in America as weak and appeasing along the same order of former President Jimmy Carter.
I was glad to see that a stay of execution was denied to D.C. sniper John Muhammad, another Islam influenced mass murderer. John Allen became John Muhammad after he joined nation of Islam, a fringe Muslim group mainly consisting of African American converts.
What further excuses will be made for Nidal Hasan by the complicit, politically correct press? He had pre Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), he was picked on by bullies, he did not want to fulfill his military obligation and serve where assigned because of his ‘faith’. Fact is, he is an Islamic terrorist who infiltrated the military and accomplished what he obviously set out to do – kill the infidel as commanded by the Koran. Hopefully justice will be swift and we will not have to wait 7 years for this terrorist within to be executed for his murderous actions.
When will America and the rest of the world wake up to the fact that Islam is, in fact, a ‘religion’ of hate and they are the avowed enemy of the West? When will we begin to pay attention to the Nabil Hasans in the military and in America? When will we do what is right and not what may be political correctness in the eyes of the elitists?
I find it funny that his lawyers can come up with all the disfuctions that he had and it was exacerbated by his military service. Well that sounds like another one of those excuses and yes I said excuses. Just get it over and done with and make the U.S.A. a little safer. No more talk JUST DO IT!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHave you ever considered the possibility of legislation that would prevent Muslims from joining the military? I have thought about this, and I would say that I am not in favor of an outright ban on it.
ReplyDeleteThese decisions should not be allowed to made by bureaucrats in Washington, but military commanders should be allowed to have discretion in these matters. (If the military commanders do not have enough common sense to do what is prudent then we are in trouble no matter what the laws are.) Therefore, the appropriate course of action would be to repeal all ant-discriminatory laws which would prevent the military from excluding people on the basis of religion.
We wouldn't be having this problem if we didn't keep intervening in conflicts in which no party violated any law of the United States. Also this incident wouldn't have occurred if the Army was called up from the Militia as the Constitution says.