Monday, February 23, 2009

One Savior is Sufficient

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True Christianity is unique. Only one "religion" is true. Jesus claimed, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to (God the) Father except through Me.” I would say that was unique claim. Jesus is the Savior. There is salvation in no other name, than that of Jesus. He holds the only key to heaven.
President Barry Soetoro (a/k/a Barack Obama) has been made out to be some sort of a “messiah” by the opposition media (ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, NY Times, PBS etc.), but in the end and at best all he is a warmed over Jimmy Carter.
Yet and still, because the effectiveness of the opposition media a large number of Americans, according to a new Harris Poll, have President Soetoro (a/k/a Obama) beating out Jesus as an American 'hero.' This was reported by
When Americans were asked whom they admired enough to call their No. 1 hero, the majority of respondents answered "President (Soetoro a/k/a ) Obama." In the new online Harris poll, citizens chose Jesus Christ as No. 2, followed by Martin Luther King. Others in the top ten, in descending order, were Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Abraham Lincoln, John McCain, John F. Kennedy, Chesley Sullenberger and Mother Teresa, according to Harris Interactive.
That Harris poll is a sad testmony as to the current state of affairs of our culture. We are in very sad shape, indeed, when an inexperienced and unaccomplished Chicago political hack 'bests' the Savior of the universe in anything. It is a shameful condemnation of American society. Although shocking, it is just another indication of how far this society and culture has sunk. God help us all.

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