COLUMBUS, OHIO (AGC News) Despite the cool misty April air 2,500 men, women and children showed up with their signs, their voices and their enthusiasm to make a statement. Last month 250 people rallied at the first Columbus Tea Party. This evening that amount increased ten-fold. People were serious about their displeasure with the President and the 111th Congresses' actions taken these last 100 days. The signs as one speaker, local radio personality Dirk Thompson, indicated, that the signs help up by many in the crowd were the 'teleprompters' that spoke loud and clear - stop the bailouts, stop the stimulus, stop the pork, stop the move to socialism, respect the constitution, and respect future generations by avoiding saddling them to burdensome senseless debt, and preserve the values that made America great in the first place including our Christian heritage.
Former Congressman John Kasich spoke for a little less than 10 minutes. Chants of "Run, John, Run" cascaded through the crowd, before and after he spoke. It was obvious many in the crowd want him to replace the liberal darling, liberal spending, and not so reverend, Governor Ted Strickland.
.Former Congressman John Kasich spoke for a little less than 10 minutes. Chants of "Run, John, Run" cascaded through the crowd, before and after he spoke. It was obvious many in the crowd want him to replace the liberal darling, liberal spending, and not so reverend, Governor Ted Strickland.
Speaker after speaker indicated that this evening's TEA Party Protest/Rally was just the beginning, an early stage of a movement to take back America from the radicals who wrested it away from an apathetic, disengaged electorate. I understand that perhaps the next big event will be an Independence Day Tea Party, which makes a whole lot of sense. In the meantime, it is incumbent upon all of us to do all we can to tell the 'Yes, We Can' crowd by our resistance and activism, 'Not so fast,' and 'No, You Don't!'
.Nationwide TEA Parties Calling Congress & the President
I was looking for something on today's Dr. Phil show on Google, and based on what I typed in, a link to your blog from today was among my choices. Odd happenstance maybe, but being the curious person I am, I had to follow the bread crumbs.
ReplyDeleteWhen I got here and read your post from today, I was rewarded with the ironic moment I sought.
What exactly is a "Judeo-Christian Worldview"? In the blog description at the page header, it mentions that. I'm just curious what it is.
Also, I was looking through your blog history for the post about Geroge W Bush presiding over the largest government expansion since the "New Deal". I suppose I'll find it right next to the post about the $1,300,000,000,000.00 in deficit spending that his administration engaged in. Was there a "Tea Party" for that?
Really though, that's irrelevant. Our civil disagreement can be just that, civil. Back to your blog description though, it doesn't seem that you want it that way.You associate words like good and light with conservatism and Judeo-Christian, while at the same time associating words like dark and evil with false religions and philosophies. What exactly is a "False Religion"? Is Buddhism a false relgion? Is Hinduism? What exactly makes something a "False Religion"? What makes one better than the other?
Serious debate is good. I mean, there are serious questions to be answered. As Americans, do we believe that all of our citizens deserve health care, regardless of social position? Should the government spend billions to bailout financial services companies, and what are the consequences involved for either response? Should we invest money in alternative energy sources, even though the economy is in poor shape and it will increase our budget deficit?
The truth is, these are all valid questions, and all are debates worth having. Evaluation of the facts before us shows us the way forward. If we come to different subjective conclusions based on our ideologies, then the majority prevails and moves forward based on their conclusions. To retake the majority, show your solutions to be more effective. Demonizing the opposition simply shows a lack of belief in your own ideas and concepts to have broad appeal. Show people how your solutions will actually make their lives better, don't just call your opposition by some socially unacceptable name and hope it makes them more unappealing than you.
I have one last question. The current administration, and the congress, have lowered your taxes (I'm assuming you make less than $150K as an individual). Based on these events, it would seem there are people who don't believe that happened. Is that an accurate statement, or is it that they want another tax decrease? If the former, what data or information supports that claim? If the latter, why wasn't the previous administration characterized poorly for not cutting your taxes at all?
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your responses to my questions.
Oh, and here's a little snippet I thought might be germaine to our conversation.
Wish I could have been there. Looks like concerned Americans are coming together and letting the powers that be know how upset and worried we are. Thanks for the coverage.
ReplyDeleteJohn Kasich is a talker and that's about it. What exactly does he think he did for the people when he was in office? Balanced the budget for about ten minutes?
ReplyDeleteWhat impact did that have on anyone? Wages? Taxes? Tuition? Health care? NOTHING.
Here's Kasich's record: Play footsie with Bill Clinton, get a lot of attention while in office, get a cushy job on Wall Street with Lehman Brothers, and lose the retirements of millions of Americans.
Thanks, but Wall Street has done enough to Ohio's families. I'll be supporting state senator Kevin Coughlin in the Republican primary for governor. Kasich is more of the same old politics and Coughlin is the future of the party and Ohio.