Monday, June 16, 2008

Barack Obama is NOT a Christian . . .

Barack Obama is an ENEMY of God!!!

Live Prayer Television Show host Bill Keller in the YouTube video below explores the faith of this man, Barack Hussein Obama, who claims to be a Christian and hopes to become President in November. The following introduction comes from the YouTube description of the video below:

Senator Obama has been very up front during the campaign about his Christian faith. Only God can judge his heart if indeed he has accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, but based on his public statements about his faith as well as his actions, it is critical to explore what he believes and see if this man really is a Christian as he claims. What does Senator Obama believe regarding the basic tenets of the Christian faith? What does he believe about salvation?

Here is a partial transcript of the last few minutes of the above YouTube video.

… I want to warn all Christians, however, that you cannot separate your faith in Christ from who you elect to influence the spiritual issues of our day. You are not voting for a pastor, but you should be voting for someone who will uphold your faith and values. When you vote, you’re voting your conscience.

I will be praying for Senator Obama and his family. (I will be) (p)raying that he has a real encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ.

His campaign slogan is CHANGE.

I pray that Senator Barack Obama will CHANGE from being an enemy of God who lies to people that there are many roads that lead to God . . . to being a man of God,
who will boldly and without shame tell people that the ONLY way to be saved is through faith in Jesus Christ.

I pray that Senator Barack Obama will CHANGE from being an enemy of God who supports the legal slaughter of babies . . . to being a man of God who seeks to overturn Roe v. Wade and take the government out of the business of legally slaughtering abies.

I pray that Senator Barack Obama will CHANGE from being an enemy of God who supports (homosexual, same sex) marriage, (homosexual, same-sex) adoptions and special rights for (homosexuals) . . . to being a man of God who will condemn the sin of homosexuality and try to help those in bondage to homosexuality find freedom.

I pray that Senator Barack Obama will CHANGE from being an enemy of God who seeks to give away the land God gave to Israel . . . to being a man of God who will be a friend and defender of the Jewish people.

The Christian faith is not a buffet where you can pick and choose what you want to believe. We don’t get to determine what truth is. God has already done that and given it to us in the Bible.

The public statement Senator Obama has made about being a Christian and his position on key spiritual issues are totally inconsistent with someone who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

His chief campaign slogan is CHANGE. I pray that Senator Barack Obama will CHANGE from being an enemy of God to being a friend of God.

Bill Keller makes a lot of sense. Every Christian should watch this video, especially those contemplating voting for Senator Barack Obama this fall.

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