Monday, June 16, 2008

A Repeat Performance?

A Michael Ramirez Cartoon found on 6/13/08

"Those who forget their history are destined to repeat it."

In Barack Hussein Obama we have the reincarnation of Jimmy Carter and worse. In John Sidney McCain we have George W. Bush III and worse. The Michael Ramirez cartoon says it all, don't ya think?

Pick your poison. A quick won't-know-what-hit-ya death with Obama, or a slow tortuous death with McCain. The America as we know it with the election of Obama will be turned upside down: strengthening of abortion and related laws, same-sex special contrived "rights," a renewed fairness doctrine, and loss of national sovereignty through UN treaties. Under McCain we will have amnesty, more immigration, more amnesty, taxes, and spending.

What is the solution? Vote third party, write in a candidate, or vote none of the above for President. Put all your money and all your active support towards electing conservative representatives, senators at the federal and state level and judges on the state and local level . . . Pray, get right with God, repent of our wickedness, and pray some more!

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