
That oozing liberal rag, the (Columbus, Ohio) Dispatch’s lead editorial in Friday morning’s newspaper was introduced with these words (bold and underlined). My comments are inside parentheses.
“Veto justified
(Strickland, new darling of the liberal left, swept into office not because of his leftist views and philosophy but the voters total rejection of former Governor Bob Taft who was a moderate RINO and not very principled and the Republican Party. Strickland is even being considered as V.P candidate by the Obama bunch, that is how desperate the Left wants to win Ohio.)
(are they making a moral judgment? On what basis do they make that judgment? It certainly does not comport with my worldview of what is right and wrong.)
to remove restrictions
(to veto – to overturn the banning human cloning –therapeutic or reproductive or whatever you want to call it - it is still cloning! In other words, Governor Strychnine wants to create babies, kill them and harvest them as spare parts – how loving and liberal of you Governor. )
on spending
(my taxpayer dollars - $100 million, as a matter of fact)
for biomedical research"
(lining the pockets of those in academia and research to whom Strickland and the Democrats are much obliged and beholden to . . .)
Adolph Hitler and Dr. Josef Mengele would be so proud of you, Governor Ted Strickland, you seething liberal Democrat you. Yes, veto the ban on human cloning. So-called therapeutic human cloning is a politically correct nice word for creating human clones for the purpose of using them for spare parts for humans, while “reproductive” cloning is supposed to be cloning to produce human beings to viability, which apparently you do not approve. Therapeutic and reproductive cloning both are CLONING. The Ohio Congress, the House and the Senate, knew that and they approved an amendment to the Ohio Economic Stimulus Bill, which banned any funding in that bill for human cloning.
Actually, therapeutic cloning is a semi-scientific term for “another way to effect an abortion or kill a baby,” it could be said that therapeutic cloning IS abortion in disguise. You radical leftist elite love abortion by any name.
I was sickened when I heard that the Governor was going to veto the (Ohio Sen. Stephen) Buehrer amendment banning human cloning from being funded by the Stimulus funds.
The despotic despicable Dispatch states, “This important biomedical research relies (OR IS THAT LIES?) on therapeutic cloning, in which human embryos are cloned (CREATED) to obtain stem cells. Those cells can transform into any type of cell in the body. Scientists believe stem cells can be useful in treating diseases and replacing damaged organs and tissues.”
No mention among the atrocious lies precipitated by the paper of the fact that to date absolutely no positive result has come from any embryonic stem cells research. They have been shown to do nada – only to create tumors in lab animals. Now you so-called scientists eager to grab that grant money want to apply those faulty, unproven techniques to human life? Such idiocy. Such foolishness. Such immorality. Such injustice.
Adult stem cells have done all that the editorial says that therapeutic cloning – which mandates creation of human clones and then killing those clones and using them for parts such as harvesting their stem cells - is hoped to do. Nothing could be more unscientific.
Why is the Governor doing this? Who benefits from the research dollars, my tax funded research dollars? It certainly is not the babies produced for parts. Oh, I know, it’s the research scientists in our esteemed universities of higher learning who foster and believe lies like evolution and benefits of embryonic stem cell research. These are loyal allies of the left. They probably are big contributors to Democrats including Governor Strickland. They probably have the ear of the Governor if not his mind, will and heart.
Shame on you, "Reverend" Strickland (a very liberal and apostate Methodist minister in his former life), like I said Hitler and Dr. Mengele would truly be proud of you. Will you exercise your line item veto and approve the funding of human cloning by whatever name you and the Dispatch may want to call it? If you do you are no better than those Nazis who murdered millions of Jews 60 some years ago.
Make a point to contact Governor Strickland and urge him to put away his veto pen and allow the ban on human cloning funding to stand.
Read my article on this subject which I posted on the pricipled policy blog forum.