Wednesday, August 05, 2009

ObamaCare: 10 Key Questions, Part 1 - Abortion

Questions to ask our [Doctors,] Senators and Representative about ObamaCare

This is the first in a series of questions about ObamaCare (i.e., Socialized Medicine, Universal Healthcare, Single-Payer Healthcare, Government-Run Healthcare, or Nationalized Healthcare) that conservative and Christian patriots should strongly consider asking our U.S. Representatives and U. S. Senators over the next month, while the Congress is taking its summer recess. If the unnecessary and freedom-robbing healthcare reform being forged and forced by the current administration and the current Democrat-controlled Congress is to be stopped, it is through the voices of many Americans – We the People. It’s a priority TEA Party action item.

The questions were developed by
Gary Bower (American Values) and are intended to be used in interactions in our Senators and Representatives during the next 30 days. President Obama has already conceded that there probably won't be a vote on healthcare reform until "the end of September or the middle of October." That means we have August to attend town hall meetings with our representatives and senators, stop by their congressional offices, write letters to the editor and educate our friends and family members about the dangers of socialized medicine. Don Wildmon of the American Family Association (AFA) encourages his supporters to form groups as part of the process of engaging members of Congress.

1. ABORTION. Pro-choice groups, like NARAL and Planned Parenthood, are demanding that abortion be covered in any healthcare reform bill. In a recent interview with Politico, Laurie Rubiner, vice president for public policy and advocacy at Planned Parenthood, defends this demand by saying, "the alternative would be slashing benefits for millions of women who currently have [private] coverage for abortions..." In addition, key administration officials refuse to rule out abortion coverage. When asked on Fox News Sunday whether taxpayer money would go to pay for abortions, White House Budget Director Peter Orszag replied, "I am not prepared to say explicitly that right now. It's obviously a controversial issue, and it's one of the questions that is playing out in this debate."

Pro-life senators on the Senate's Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee forced a roll call vote on the issue when Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) attempted to add an amendment to the healthcare bill that would, in her words, "include women's health clinics that provide comprehensive services...deemed medically necessary or appropriate." She admitted that such "health clinics" would include Planned Parenthood. The pro-life amendment to prohibit funding of abortion lost 11-to-12.

Question for your Congressmen: Will you oppose any healthcare reform bill that uses my tax dollars to pay for abortions?
to be continued . . .

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