(Columbus, Ohio) Indian summer with temperatures of at least 60 degrees arrived just in time to welcome Senator Barack Obama and Governor Sarah Palin, who both visited Ohio’s capitol city today, Sunday. Ohio apparently is a must win state for both parties. They have been visiting Ohio as much as a distant relative, who suddenly starts visiting a dying rich relative hoping to get something for his efforts.
I attended a portion of the Barack “The Rock Star” Obama’s visit in Columbus. His fans were arriving well before 11:00 AM, when I arrived. Lines of people wound around at least 10 blocks waiting to see the messiah on the freshly cut grassy grounds of the Ohio Statehouse. The announcement, right after a politically riddled pro-Obama opening prayer at approximately 12:00 noon was that this was the single largest turnout in the history of the city of Columbus.
I was in town to help distribute “God Loves the Unborn” Gospel tracts in front of the Statehouse, just outside of the newly secured and fenced in area. The Obama fans were well-behaved, at least while I was there.
My impression of the people were that they were almost robot-like, infatuated with the possibility of touching Obama’s robe. Later someone suggested that with all of his loose change, perhaps he may have spread some of his wealth to insure a big crowd. Would Obama do that?
I got the distinct impression that they came there to worship Caesar.
I did not stay to listen to his highness pompous pious pronouncements. There is nothing in his empty rhetoric, in his haggard slogans, or in his empty promises that impresses me or gives me any hope whatsoever that his presidency would bring any useful change.
Driving from downtown to an anti-Obama demonstration near Ohio State University I heard on the radio that 60,000 worshippers attend Obama’s visitation on the Statehouse grounds.
Later, Sunday afternoon, I had an opportunity to see (barely) and hear Sarah Palin, the one-half of the Republican ticket that has any credibility in my mind. We watched as Palin’s plane descended behind a line of emergency vehicles and police SUVs. Somebody said they caught a glimpse of maybe her shoes from underneath the line of the vehicle barricade as she got off of the airplane.
Palin barely welcomed the crowd,then introduced a country singer, Gretchen somebody, from Nashville, who sang a rousing song about a redneck woman. The crowd seemed to enjoy it.
Palin gave a lively speech and had the crowd pumped up. I would estimate the large crowd to be at least several thousand.
I took the picture at the top of the article of a guy with “Joe” on the back of his shirt. Average “Joe” was now made famous by Joe the Plumber, who Palin acknowleged in her address.
If John McCain wins the election Tuesday, then he will have to thank Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber for the victory. She is a great campaigner and would make an even better vice president. Go Sarah. NObama.
I stayed for the majority of the speech but wanted to get on the road, since the clocks were turned back and we now lose an hour of light in the evenings. I was standing on the outskirts of the building and could barely see Palin’s face. She is barely visible in the picture below under the “Victory in Ohio” sign . . .
This election, to me is a battle between Obama's stale re-fried socialist philosophy and way of governing and the fresh, free enterprise philosophy of at least Palin on the McCain-Palin ticket. Palin has more executive experience than any of the other 3 candidates.
While Obama held his gathering of "believers" at a government building, Palin met her "troops" at an Air Force Base. Obama strikes me as an elitist, while Palin is a regular “guy.” Obama is just words and promises, Palin has real experience and has taken action. Obama is syrupy sweet, while Palin is substance and nourishment. Obama has his head somewhere high in the clouds, while Palin has her fashionably shod feet firmly on the ground.
I would travel out of my way to see Governor Palin, but I would not do so for any of the other candidates for President or Vice President.
Sarah Stops & Stumps in Ohio Two Days Before Election 2008
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