Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Obama “Born” Conspiracy Report

Lingering Question, "Where Was Obama Born?"

I have written several articles regarding the mystery surrounding the place of Barack Obama's birth. We know it wasn't Bethlehem, but it may have been in Kenya. Posted on the Free Republic website and on several other websites and blogs today is an extensive and exhaustive article, “Polarik's final report: Obama's 'Born' Conspiracy: Forged images, phony photos, and felony fraud.” The report was completed by Ron Polarik, PhD. The report is the culmination of four months of research into the copies of the publicly released document showing the birth of the President-elect Barack Hussein Obama. Polarik and many other American question the Obama documents validity.

Polarik states in the forward to his article,

“. . . To summarize the seriousness of these actions and this charge, and to the importance of what is contained within this report:

“There is conclusive and irrefutable evidence that the COLB (Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth) image created and distributed by Obama's campaign to the Daily Kos, Annenberg's Factcheck, and the St. Pete Times, Politifact, is, unquestionably, a false identification document.

“Furthermore, there is conclusive and irrefutable evidence that the photos taken by Annenberg's Factcheck, in collusion with the Obama campaign, are themselves, false identification documents, having been made from the same false identification document image, as well as from additional false identification documents created for the same purpose; namely, to proffer these false identification documents as true reproductions of a genuine, Hawaii-issued and certified, "Certification of Live Birth" document, and thereby, intentionally deceive the American public into believing that Barack Hussein Obama is a natural-born citizen of the United States, and thereby, fully qualified to become their President.

“I never imagined that my studies would amount to this. I thought, like most Americans, that maybe the information was accurate even though the document image was fake. I thought, like most Americans, that Obama would simply present a copy of his real, original birth certificate, and that would be that. Yet, here we are, more than twenty months after Obama announced his candidacy for the Presidency, and nearly three weeks after the election, and Obama still refuses to show his real birth certificate!

In the Polarik report’s executive summary he makes these cogent statements:

“. . .With my experience and specialization in document imaging, my findings are conclusive and irrefutable that the COLB (Certificate of Live Birth) images posted by Obama to his campaign website,, to the, a pro-Obama blog, to, a pro-Obama political research group, and to, are, in fact, image forgeries with the intent to defraud the American People into believing that these images were digitally scanned from Obama’s genuine, “original” birth certificate.

‘With my experience and specialization in photography and digital imaging, my findings are conclusive and irrefutable that the COLB photographs posted by, a pro-Obama political research group, and to, are, in fact, photographic forgeries with the intent to defraud the American People into believing that these digital photographs were taken of Obama’s genuine, “original” birth certificate.”

This man, Dr. Polarik, is an expert in the field of digital imaging and has had over 20 years experience in the field. This evidence, in my mind demands a thorough investigation by Congress and/or the Judiciary to determine whether Barack Hussein Obama is indeed qualified to serve as President of the United States.

1 comment:

  1. The Supreme Court CANNOT DUCK Obama’s Birth Certificate Constitutional Crisis (albeit the media blackout on the issue). The messiah will NOT become President! This 90-minute blogradio program explains why:
